Jeremiah Speaks

In Jeremiah 26, Jeremiah is speaking on behalf of the Lord. The message to Judah and Jerusalem is to repent of their wicked and evil ways.  Usually, no one wants to hear it! The priests and prophets are ready to kill him. Jeremiah warns them if they did kill him they will surely curse themselves because of the innocent blood they will shed.

This was tough for Jeremiah. He knew he was walking into a lion’s den, but he did it anyway. I encourage you to be obedient. God will give you the strength to do his will if you lean and depend on him. However, if you will obey, then God will find another vessel to get His work done.

We read in the last verse of this chapter, Jeremiah’s life was spared mainly because the people did not want to bring additional curses upon their lives.

I believe we must proceed with anticipation in the things of God. This means we should yield, and yes, we should be a living example of representing Christ on the Earth. However, we must always rely on the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into the things of God. On this occasion, Jeremiah was being led and guided by God. We should embrace this example. Love & Blessings!
