Jail Ministry: Radical Revelation!

During one of my visits at the jail and listening to the ladies, the Holy Spirit said to me, the ladies have been set free from their drug addiction! Unknowingly to them, their sobriety started when they were locked up in jail! How radical is that!? I shared it with the ladies. I told them they did not have to wait when they were released from jail to begin their sobriety. Their sobriety starts NOW… Walk In It!

I explained to the ladies their sobriety will look different for each of them. Some will walk away from it freely. Others will have to manage it through support groups. And some will have the struggles and urges to deal with. The difference is with Jesus. Invariably, He is our HELP! We cry out to him, call on him, whisper to him, every day, throughout the day, moment by moment, when we need Him. All of our help comes from the Lord. (Psalm 121) Radical?

Jesus was radical when He walked the Earth. In the natural, most of what He did and said did not make sense. For example, asking us to love your enemies (Luke 6: 27-38, Matthew 5:44-46). In the natural we think, I cannot do that, how am I supposed to do that? Precisely. We know in the natural many of the things Jesus asked us to do, we cannot do it in our own strength. It is precisely why He is our Lord and Savior.  “… without me you can do NOTHING.”  (John 15:5).

I LOVE Jesus! Earnestly, when you think of ALL that He did for US, we fall in love with Him. We submit and yield to Him as Lord and Master. Undoubtedly, that is not to say we become perfect and do everything right. Assuredly, we DO NOT. However, through the POWER and STRENGTH… the SUPERNATURAL, He helps us through all things. It is humbling when we experience it. Amen!