Jail Ministry Graduation II

Recently we had another Jail Ministry Graduation from the Nurture Block Program! The graduation is such a treat for the graduates. They are sharing at the graduation their, for some of them, reconnecting to their faith. They receive brand new Bibles which excites them because for some of them it is the first Bible they have ever received and owned. It is also the first time many of them have actually spent time reading and researching things in the Bible.

Graduation for some of them signals a time of transition with their jail sentences. A couple of them are released. A few are sent back into the main population of the jail. Others are transferred to other jails in other cities to serve sentences for offenses in those cities. Finally, some are transferred to prison.  These various transfers tug at my heart, especially the ones who are transferred to prison.  As you can see many prayers are needed.  I ask that you continue to keep the jail population across the world in your prayers. Ultimately, we know that God has a plan for each of them even in their incarceration.

So, I have a new set of beautiful faces of women before me. Many of them are so eager for this opportunity the jail offers in this Nurture Program. You can see it in their faces. Humbly, this is another opportunity God entrusts me to share his love, grace, forgiveness, and His abundant, victorious life He has promised us. Yes, this life is available to those who may have life sentences in prison.  It is a promise of eternal life with our Savior, Jesus, and our Father, God and so much more! These men and women with life sentences who come into the knowledge of the saving grace of Jesus Christ have the opportunity to evangelize others in the jails and prisons. It is a testament of how our God wastes nothing in our lives. Love & Blessings!