Jail Ministry Graduation!

Currently, the ladies I am ministering to are in a program called, Nurture Block. Surely, this is just what is says. Volunteers come in to share the gospel, nurture, encourage, and inspire inmates. Now, for those of you who have read my book, Where Is God, you know I have a journal section in the back of the book. Wonderfully, journaling is a beautiful way for us to cultivate our relationship with God. As an example, I have demonstrated journaling to the ladies each week by bringing my personal journal specifically for this ministry into the jail with me and share my entries each week. It is a reflection of our meetings, and the impressions God has given me as to what He next wants me to share with the ladies.

The ladies love the transparency. They enjoy me sharing my journal entries. I have encouraged them to start journaling. I have challenged them to write their strategy and plan of what they will do differently once they are no longer in jail. They are to identify people, places, and things that are triggers for them that causes them to make poor choices and that inevitably led them to jail.  I inspire them to look forward to their NEW BEGINNINGS and inject some excitement about that for them. The journal is also used for them to document their prayers, requests, growth, and progress.

After 12 weeks, the ladies graduate from the program. They have a graduation ceremony with lunch from an outside vendor and cake! So, it is a special occasion for them. The ladies have an opportunity to share their testimonies. It is another step closer to their release date and to face the world once again. I see my role as also arming the ladies with their spiritual weapons and pointing them to the light of Jesus Christ.

Please continue to pray for these ladies as they have many challenges before them. But God… He is our help in ALL things! Prayers are need for all inmates, jails, prisons and staff.  The recidivism rate is high among inmates. Let our prayer be that these men and women who participate in jail ministries across the world will become the example of how God can change and transform lives.

Thank you for your love and support.

Love & Blessings!