Jail Ministry Epiphany!

Some treasurers are meant to be shared. Here’s one…

We are studying The Fruit of the Spirit during my time with the ladies at the jail. This week we studied on the fruit of JOY. The young lady presenting did a beautiful job peppering her presentation with scriptures referencing to JOY. The Holy Spirit was moving during the presentation. At the end of her presentation, she said in amazement she never knew how simple what God is asking from us to have faith and believe! Adding, she never realized until now since she has been here (jail). We witnessed the scales being removed from her eyes… It was a BEAUTIFUL thing! I shared it is because God now has your attention.

The Bible says heaven rejoices when one sinner repents (Luke 15:7) I believe God hearing this young lady say these words put a big SMILE on His face! I told them we sometimes complicate the things God has asked us to do. He asks us to have faith and believe; He will do the rest! Once we have done what God has asked us to do, trust that He will do His part. It may not always LOOK like we expect, but it will give us the same results.

I pray this is an encouragement to YOU!

Thank you for your love and support.

Love & Blessings!