Is There Anything To Hard For God? : Is Age and Aging A Problem For God?

Well, we are in the throes of another U.S. Presidential election. As a matter of fact, it is fast approaching! The topics of age and aging are swirling all around us. I believe it has landed with questions being raised about the age of the candidates. One in particular, about current US. President Biden, is he too old to run for another term as president?

In a recent interview, Biden made the statement to the effect, if God Almighty were to ask him to step aside to run for president he would. That prompted me to look into who has God used in the Bible that had an “age” problem.

The names are quite impressive of who God used age 80 and up. Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90 when they had Isaac. Moses was 80 and his brother, Aaron, was 83 when they spoke to Pharaoh. Zacharias and Elizabeth were “advanced in years” when they had John the Baptist. Some scholars suggest Zacharias could have been in his 80s or 90s. Although we do not know for sure about Zacharias, these examples clearly demonstrate God can use ANYBODY at any AGE. Pooh-Pooh to those who believe otherwise, including today during this day and time.

What we know is the two candidates for US. President, Biden and Trump, will both be in their 80s at some point while serving in office. Age and aging are not a problem for God. We are all aging. Yes, we change, our bodies change as we get older, but that is not to say God cannot use us MIGHTILY if we are available for Him to use. I believe this should be the biggest takeaway from this current dialogue about age and aging… Amen. Love & Blessings!