Humility Is Always Best: God Opposes The Proud

Humility is something we should always seek. 1 Peter 5:5 admonishes us to clothe ourselves in it. God gives grace to those who are humble. How comforting is that? Yet, so often we walk around thinking how WE are this or that. Invariably, we forgett we can do nothing without God’s help.

When we walk around with humility we rightfully put God in the place He should be in our life. So, when we are constantly looking unto God for EVERYTHING we are in a safe place. It is difficult for us to forget that He is our creator and maker.

God opposes pride because pride hurts us in the long run. It is why Satan was kicked out of heaven because he got full of himself. When we get full of ourselves, we sometimes put our foot in our mouths. We do some other foolish things and later regret our actions.

God tries to save us from all of that, if we let Him. We have to remember we serve a loving God that would never steer us in the wrong direction. We may not understand when the hurts and pains come when He allows it and sometimes orchestrate them.

Moreover, we read over and over in the Bible God always has a bigger plan than what we can imagine. It is why we have to learn more and more to trust Him. Humble thyself under the mighty hand of our God, that He may exalt you in due time (1 Peter 5:6). Love & Blessings!