Humble Pie

Have you ever been in a situation where you thought you were right? Then later you realize you were so wrong! I personally believe God allows those situations and experiences in our lives. I believe he uses it as a teaching tool on many levels.

This teaching tool God uses is an attention getter. It is an attention getter to remind us of how utterly dependent we are on God. Pride so easily creeps in our lives especially in situations like this. Two things will happen when we realize we were wrong in a situation. We either apologize or admit our mistake. Or, prideful, we sweep it under the rug and dismiss it.

For those of us who are thirsty for God, we want to get that pride out of our lives quickly so God can continue to use us. For those who want to dismiss it, God will sometimes, figuratively, drop a boulder on us to get our attention to remove the pride… Ouch! Love & Blessings!