How To Please God? Through Your Faith!

The Bible says we please God through our Faith (Hebrew 11:6). Moreover, the more you walk by Faith, the more it will become natural to you. Thus, you feel comfortable allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you. He will guide you into the plans He has for your life.

Surrender allows us to give ourselves to God without thinking about the repercussions of the consequences. As a result, it is a heart that is bent towards God. Needless to say, a love and adoration that want to please Him. Sometimes we do not know what the consequences will be. The Bible says we will share with Jesus’ glory and His sufferings (Romans 8:17-18, 1 Peter 4:13, 2 Corinthians 1:5).

This is total abandonment of self. We see this with Stephen in the Bible. He surrender His life over to Christ and suffered death (Acts 7: 54-60). He is often known as the first martyr. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego totally abandoned self. They were thrown into the fiery furnace for refusing to worship the king’s golden idols.

We do not always know exactly what each consequence will be when surrender ourselves totally to the Spirit. Nevertheless, we do know that God will be with us. He has promised to never leave nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5, Deuteronomy 31:8). Additionally, we know God is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him. That reward may manifest itself materially, spiritually, or both. The blessing will be in receiving what God has given and has for us. Ultimately, it is being in the Spirit that will allow us to do and experience any of this. It is a part of our Faith that pleases the Lord. Love & Blessings!