Honoring God

I believe the Bible to be in some instances literal and symbolic. Certainly, there lies the importance of reading and developing an intimate relationship with God and having him reveal some of His mysteries to us.  Undoubtedly, we serve a God who can do the impossible for there is NOTHING that is too hard for our God. The three Hebrew boys, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were literally facing death if they did not bow to the king’s idols. Likewise, we have many idols placed before us in work, family, community, relationships; I could go on and on. Without fail, anything that is placing things before our God is an idol. When we are starting to do things that are contrary to what God is asking us to do, is becoming an idol.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were so committed to God. They believed wholeheartedly in our God. As a result, bowing was not an option for them. Knowing they were facing certain death, they did this disregarding their own lives. Similarly, people in our world today are confronting like dilemmas. Courageously, they were standing. On the other hand, bending and bowing to the world is becoming habit for some. They sometimes unknowingly are taking on its customs and culture.

Persecutions and ridicule are persisting today for Christ’s sake. Jesus was the ultimate example of this. He willingly faces death on the cross for not bowing and submitting to the world’s customs and culture. Regrettably, in some parts of the world people are risking their lives for the love of our God. Maybe not as dramatic, but losing job promotions, being uninvited to social events and being seen as weird are befalling to some. I can go on and on about these uncomfortable and awkward situations. It is the testing of our faith. 

The three Hebrew boys are one of many examples the Bible gives us in standing against all odds. The Bible says our faith pleases the Lord. I have no doubt these men knew this. This was their BEST way in honoring God in this foreign land they were forced into; yet, not succumbing to the evilness of the land. We, too, will be called into such tough situations. What will you do to honor our God? Love & Blessing!