Hezekiah The Good Seed

Redemption and restoration is always possible with God. II Chronicles 28 we get a taste of how evil King Ahaz was. He is so evil he sacrifices some of his own children by fire among other things. His heart is stone cold hard against God. Israel and Judah pay a hefty price for this rebellion. However, we see a beautiful example in II Chronicles 29 that children do not have to follow the bad example of the parent.

Hezekiah, Ahaz’s son, reigned once he died. Hezekiah realized his father’s practices were wrong and speedily went in to correct them. In his first year of reigning he opens up the doors of the house of the Lord and starts making repairs (v. 3). He restores the dignity of the priests and the Levites and acknowledges the wrongs of his father. He knew the wrath of the Lord was upon them so He made a covenant with God asking for restoration. Love & Blessings!