Healing From Jesus!

Jesus is a miracle worker! We see in the New Testament how He healed many. One notable healing was the healing of the seven demons from Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9, Luke 8:1-3). These miraculous healings are available to us TODAY! Jesus died so He could fulfil the promise of the abundant victorious life God offers us (John 10, 1 Corinthians 17:7).

When Jesus died He left the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and comfort us. Wrapped up in the Holy Spirit is our healing TODAY! It is AMAZING the many ways God provides healing for us through Jesus; the Holy Spirit that is available to us TODAY!

Recently, I had someone to apologize to me from something in the past. As the person was talking to me, initially, I was not familiar with what was being said. However, the more that was shared, I remembered some friction, tension between the two of us, but nothing more. The Holy Spirit had HEALED that situation from my mind that I could not recall the details of all that had been involved in the situation… PRAISE GOD! Jesus is able to cast that hurt out of minds as to not allow it to kill, steal, destroy the abundant victorious life God promises us. Amen! Love & Blessings!