He is Risen!

Our LOVE for Jesus should run deep. When you think of all he endured and how he has set us FREE, the gratitude and the thankfulness to Him should cause us to want to live our lives representing Him on the Earth. Consistently, this is how we can honor Him is by having Him the Lord and Savior of our lives. Jesus said, these people honor me with their lips and with their hearts are far away from me, Mathew 5:9. He also said something similar to religious people of his day that were healing the sick, prophesying, casting out demons among other things. He said there will come a day that he will dismiss them and tells them to depart from Him because He never knew them, Mathew 7:21-23. Wow! This chills me every time I read it. These people were busy! Busy doing God’s work; yet, they missed it, according to Jesus! That should be penetrating to every heart. It should give us an immediate gut check!  

It is one thing to know about Jesus, to know about God, to know about the Holy Spirt, to know the Bible, etc. Undoubtedly, it is clearly on a different realm of having an intimate relationship with Him. Confidently, having Him Lord and Savior of your life, and Him having YOUR HEART secures our eternal futures. That is what God looks at, our heart.

During this Easter season and moving forward, remember to love God with all your heart, mind, body, and soul. As Jesus was crucified on the cross for us, our souls will be crucified, too, but our spirits will grow more and more into the love of God and what he did with sacrificing his son, Jesus, for us and THEN leaving the Holy Spirit to be our comfort and guide. It is truly a beautiful and amazing thing that words cannot capture the fullness of it. Lovingly, embrace and appreciate what was done for YOU! Love & Blessings!