Has God Sent Adversaries Your Way?

1 King 11:14 talks about God sending adversaries in Salomon’s life. Why? This is the man we discussed two blogs ago who prayed and asked God for wisdom and God gave it to him. However, we discussed in May 7’s blog (found at www.whereisgodnow.org) how Solomon started repeating the sins of his father, David. So just like David, God became angry with Solomon because he started doing things God asked him not to do. He disobeyed God and married women he was forbidden to marry which caused him to seek other gods.

Although, Jesus came to save us from our sins, it does not exempt us of the consequences that come with our sin. It does not mean that God will turn a blind eye to what we are doing. I believe if he sent adversaries to David and Solomon, he can do the same to us. Satan loves to confuse the issue and have us to believe it is okay to do the things the way that the world does it. After all, God did promise us an abundant, victorious life, right? No, no, sin is sin in God’s eyes and he will do the sorting and examining of our hearts, but do not let Satan fool you to think you will not have consequences to endure.

1 Kings 11 describes the three adversaries that God sent Solomon and how He would rend the kingdom away from Him. What a fall! This is the reminder of why we have to renew or hearts and minds through Christ Jesus every day. Our adversary, Satan, is seeking whomever he can devour and will use any and every tactic to draw us away from our God and have us turn our hearts against Him… Be strong in the Lord! Love & Blessings!