There is ENERGY in GRATITUDE! It uplifts our spirit and makes God SMILE. The Lord hates complainers. It is what kept the children of Israel out of the Promise Land. After they were in bondage for over 400 years, they were finally set free! But because the road to the Promise Land was not what they imagined, they started complaining and even asked to return to where that had come… BONDAGE. It was like throwing back into God’s face what he had done for them… It lacked GRATITUDE. Nothing in life is perfect. However, make it a practice, a lifestyle in life to thank God throughout the day for everything He does for you. You can start with the basics such as being able to breathe, for God is every breath we take! How about food, clothing, and shelter? I was taught if God sees He can TRUST you with the little blessings He will TRUST you with bigger blessings… and learn to count your blessings, too! Remember Satan tries to steal, kill, and destroy EVERYTHING God has done for us… Remember GRATITUDE. Love & Blessings!