God’s Wisdom Is The BEST Wisdom!

Wisdom is something we all seek. Certainly, most people want to make good choices and decisions. Contrarily, it is only a fool who does not seek wisdom (Proverbs 17:16). Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon are known for their wisdom literature. Nonetheless, the whole Bible is full of wisdom cover to cover.

Sometimes we, as Christians, become confused about wisdom. We sometimes take on the wisdom of the world instead of the wisdom of God. We find ourselves in the middle of battles and fights, we as Christians, should not engage. We become so passionate about worldly wisdom we have to step back and think about what we our doing. For example, the Bible clearly says our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We were bought with the price of Jesus Christ. Thus, our bodies belong to God (1 Corinthians 6: 19-20).

Needless to say, Satan does not want us to know this. For those of us who know it, He does not want us to really think about it. We sometimes take the side of the enemy and not really know it. Godly wisdom tells us to honor God with our bodies. Worldly wisdom tell us to defile our bodies because it is our right. It is no one’s business but mine. Yet, Satan will deceive some Christian to make them think this is right and true.

Knowing the word of God is crucial to us walking in Godly wisdom. The beauty about reading the Bible for yourself is that the Holy Spirit will bring back to your remembrance what God says. The same applies to hearing the word of God. Then we have a choice when it comes to deciding what we will stand on. Will we stand on the wisdom of the world or the wisdom of God?

Satan is clever. He will rush and push you into making a choice. He will get loud and kick up the drama for you to jump on his bandwagon. God will appeal to the heart. He will bring the Word back to your remembrance. Many times there is gentleness and peace. Rarely, will God scream His word at you. Although, He has been known to do that a time or two. The importance here is to know the word of God so you will walk in Godly wisdom. Amen. Love & Blessings!