God’s Ways Are Not Our Ways…Sometimes We May Be Stoned When Speaking God’s Word!

What is the importance of knowing God’s word? I am convinced that if more Christians knew God’s word, the Bible, for themselves some of the things that may be happening contrary to what we think should happen would not be too alarming. If it happened in the Bible, know that it possibly can happen to you, too.

II Chronicles is chocked full of examples of what happened to Leadership when they obeyed God and when they did not. Some started out in the right direction for God and then went astray. The same can happen to us. We have seen this in leaders of ancient times and leaders of modern times. This is why it is so important for us to know the Word for ourselves. Pastors and ministers can cover but so much because the Bible has so many stories and meaning that I don’t think we can ever exhaust it all.

I discovered this little blurb in II Chronicles 24: 20- 21. The spirit of the God sent Zechariah to the people because once again, they went astray. He said, “Thus saith God, Why transgress ye the commandments of the Lord, that ye cannot prosper? Because ye have forsaken the Lord, he hath also forsaken you.” Now today, we would probably question this man and think who is he to talk to us that way. Yet, he was being obedient to God because God sent him!

Needless to say, the people got mad at him. The Bible says, “…they conspired against him and stoned him…”  The people obeyed the king’s commandment of this stoning instead of God. I laughed when I read this because the same still happens today. We don’t stone people in the U.S., and it still maybe happening in other parts of the world, but we do cut people off, ignore them, aw shucks, they crucified Jesus, right!? LOL! Paul said in the New Testament, count it not strange when these persecutions happen to us. Again, the importance of knowing the world of God and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth. Love & Blessings!