God’s Timing Is Perfect In Our Lives!

Psalm 27:14 asks us to wait on the Lord and be of good courage. This is so much easier to write than to do, right? Truly, when we are talking about waiting on the Lord we are talking about the timing of God. The saying goes God is not early, or late but always on time! In our humanity, though, it is sometimes difficult for us to grasp this.

There is victory when we start using our spiritual eyes and minds on a consistent basis. This is why the disciples had such a difficult time grasping everything Jesus was saying to them. Daily, they walked the Earth with him, but lacked understanding. However, it was after Jesus died and resurrected, that they gained understanding and started using their spiritual eyes and minds day-to-day.

I love the Bible because it is our guide book. It tells us what to do and what not to do. It is also there to help us to see things from God’s perspective. Because God knows our beginning to our end, He truly does know what is best for us and at what time. This makes His timing perfect!

We have to trust and embrace God’s timing for our lives. Walking and living in the spirit help us to do this on a daily basis. It is apart of the abundant and victorious life Jesus said He died to give us. If Jesus died for us to have this life He describes, we can rest assured that God’s timing is indeed, perfect and the best for us. Amen. Love & Blessings!