God’s Repeated Warnings To His People!

In last week’s blog we ended in II Chronicles 7 where God has acknowledged Solomon’s prayer. In reading the Bible has anyone noticed how God repeats himself over and over and over again? I believe God does this because what He is saying is very important to Him. No different from us. When we repeated ourselves, we want to make sure that people understand our message.

God emphasizes many things in acknowledging Solomon’s prayer. First, in verse 13 he tells him what He is capable of. Second, in verse 14 he gives him a prescription to how he can be blessed by Him. Then God starts repeating himself as He told David and the other mighty men before him, which was to walk before me, do what I command, observe my statues and judgements (verse 17). Further, God goes on to tell Solomon then he will establish his kingdom and will not fail him. However, in short, if you turn from me, if you forsake me, and serve other gods, and worship them, I will pluck them up by the roots by the land given to you, cast you out of my sight and use it as an example in the proverbs and bywords among the nation (verse19-20). Without hesitancy, God goes on to say people will wonder what happened when they see this and it will say because they forsook God and he has brought ALL of this evil upon then (verse 21-22).

Whoa! What a warning! Is this happening today? Yes! People do not want to acknowledge it, but maybe it is happening because we have forsaken God. People are in denial about this, too. But when you read God’s word for yourself and know what He is asking from us, it is clear. God reminds us in II Chronicles he can send pestilence. Is COVID a pestilence God has sent upon the world because of our disobedience? Hmmm… Love & Blessings!