God’s Help in Joshua’s Battles

Moses was a tough act to follow. God did AMAZING things through Moses. When you think God cannot top what He did with Moses, you read what He did through Joshua. To see the background, God promised the Promise Land, which we now know as Israel, to the Israelites. However, they had to go in a possess the land. We know the account of the spies Moses sent in to survey the land, people, live-stock, etc. The majority if them did not think they could overtake the land except Joshua and Caleb. They thought they were well able with the help of God…But God, who makes the difference in ALL situations.

Consequently, of that generation of Israelites that were set free by God’s mighty hand, Joshua and Caleb’s families and everyone 20 years old and younger were permitted to possess the land. Because of disobedience Moses did not make it into the land and because of the older Israelite’s murmuring and complaining they did not make it in. Oh, what lessons we learn here!

The mantle was now passed to Joshua. Joshua chapter 11 starts out with, “And it came to pass…” (KJV). We know with that phrase something significant is about to happen. Now Joshua was a warrior, a fighter, but when you read what Joshua was up against starting with chapter 11, I was overwhelmed for him as I was reading it. This is his first war on his own without Moses. I believe we all can agree we would have been at least a little nervous.

We read in chapter 11 he has seven kings he must conquer! I can imagine Joshua must have swallowed hard. However, verse 6 in chapter 11 says God told Joshua do not be afraid! That is God reassuring him that He would be with him AND by tomorrow He would deliver those kings and their kingdoms in his hands… Wow!  Then God told Joshua how he wanted him to defeat the enemy. It was quite bloody. It is jaw dropping to read. Verse 20 of chapter 11 says, “For it was of the Lord to harden their hearts, that they should come against Israel in battle, that he might destroy them utterly, and that they might have no favor, but he might destroy them, as the Lord commanded Moses.” (KJV). When I read this entire chapter I first laughed out loud, then my mouth was left wide open of the awesomeness of God!

Chapter 12 continues with more bloodshed as Joshua then slaughters thirty-one more kings and kingdoms. God told him how to do it, and after he witnessed what happened to Moses by not being obedient as God asked, Joshua made sure he carried out God’s instructions as He told him…more lessons for us to learn. One key is Joshua did not do this on his own strength. He led the Israelites through war as God instructed… Something for us to ponder as we look at our lives and relationship to God. Are we following God’s instructions to us? Love & Blessings.