God’s Covenants are Strong and Forever!

So we have talked about David’s descendants and how they started out with a passion for God. We also talked about the frailty and humanity of these kings. Although they loved God, they seemed to get off track which is a cautionary tale for us. Again, things are written in the Bible not for us to do the same. How unwise that would be. But they are there, if at all possible, to keep us away from the pitfalls. And yes, Jesus, paid it all, but there are still carnage and consequences of our sins.

II Chronicles 21 talks about the new king in town. Yes, another descendant from David named, Jehoram, Jehoshaphat’s son. The Bible describes him as evil (v. 6). It goes on to say God would not destroy the house of David because of the covenant He made with him. However, it does not mean that God will not send punishment and allow consequences for our sins. In this case God sends a great plague with great sickness and disease. So once again, we are seeing a plague among the people. It is one of the reasons I believe God sent COVID to the world to remind the people that He is still in control and we are still utterly dependent upon Him. This plague is described as making the people so sick that their bowels fell out and it happened day by day (v. 15).

Additionally, it describes how God stirred up the spirit of the Philistines and the Arabians and came into the land and stole their substance in the king’s house and his family and killed all of the sons except the youngest (v 17).  The king eventually dies of the plague that overtook most of the people. The people dislike him so that he was not even buried with his forefathers.

Wow! There are many lessons to glean from here. What is evident is God will not destroy the complete legacy of the chosen one He has made a covenant with, but He will deal with them and cause their enemies to come against them as well. This gives us time to pause. If we turn from God, meaning our hearts turn from God, will he deal with us the same? That is something to ponder. Love & Blessings