God Sent Pestilence; COVID Is A Pestilence!

God asked me to go back and read his word again fall 2021. We are approaching fall 2022 and I am almost done completing the reading of the entire Bible. The things I have discovered in reading His word has been jaw dropping for me. Unfortunately, we sometimes forget, dismiss, or simply do not want to submit and obey those things God has asked of us. Supernaturally, as we read God’s word, the Holy Spirit will reveal, illuminate, highlight, and speak to our spirit, if we are open to Him. These are some of the reasons the importance of each of us in reading the Word for yourself. Invariably, Satan will try and lie to you and discourage you by telling you it is hard to read and you will not understand it.

God will speak to you on your level to understand it! Astonishingly, the beauty is as God is helping you, He will take you deeper and deeper into the things of Him, if you let Him. However, He will not force Himself on you though. He wants us to love Him willingly and to get to know Him intimately. Ultimately, this is what our relationship with Him is all about. Why is this important for us to come to God willingly and have an intimate relationship with Him? Because He wants us to KNOW him as He knows us! This is what relationship is all about.

I want to go back to II Chronicles 7: 13. God talks about the things He can do. He talks about sending no rain, calling locust to devour the land, and sending pestilence among the people. This is not new because in previous books in the Bible we see God using these methods before. So, nothing is new to God, he has seen it all. COVID was new to the world though. Frustratingly, we were scrambling trying to figure out what was going on, what it was, and how to combat it.

COVID is our modern-day pestilence. When you look at everything that is happening in our country and in the world and us flaunting our sins in front of God as if He does not exist, and is not seeing and hearing everything, who is not to say that COVID is a pestilence that God sent. God is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. We know that He does not change. Jesus was not sent to give us a pass on our sins. He came to save us from our sins, but it does not absolve the consequences of our sins. If God, did it back then, He can do it today. Love & Blessings!