God Prepared Elijah… He Became BOLD!

Many times, we wonder why God is not moving in the way we expect. We forget time and time again God’s thoughts and ways are not like ours. When we do this, we become frustrated. I have learned when I hit those dry or wilderness seasons to ask God, “What do you want me to know or learn?”

In 1 King:18, we see God had Elijah waiting for 3 years after he witnessed God perform the miracles in Zarephath. In those three years God was preparing Elijah to confront the most wicked king ever in Israel, Ahab. He was EVIL.                       

We see in verse 17, Ahab and Elijah finally meet. Ahab had the Israelites worshiping Baalim. Elijah wanted to settle the issue of who was the true and living God. So, he asked the Israelites that question. No one answered.

So, the challenge Elijah offers becomes to cut up two bullocks and lay it on wood with no fire. They were to call on the name of their gods. Elijah was to call on his God. The God who answers by fire will be the one and only true God.

The people took him up on the challenge. They called on their gods from morning to noon. Nothing happened. It is now Elijah’s turn. He becomes so bold that he builds an alter to surround the bullock pieces and builds a trench to soak the alter in water. It was now evening and Elijah prayed to his God. God consumed EVERYTHING that was on the alter including the water! The people fell on their faces and acknowledged the Lord God Almighty!

Often times, God wants to prepare us in our seasons of waiting. Even in our times in the wilderness, God wants to prepare us for His use, if we allow Him. After Elijah saw the miracles God performed in Zarephath, he knew what God was capable of doing. He became the willing vessel to confront the most evil and wicked king ever during that time in Israel. Are you willing to let God prepare you to do BOLD things for Him? Love & Blessings!