God Loves Dads, Too!

Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc., is honoring our Dads! Sometimes Dads are our superheroes. They swoop in and save the day. They love to fix things. Whatever it takes to fix it, they will do. They will hold your hand, wipe your eyes, lend their ear, give advice, and bring you flowers. If it needs nails or duck tape, they will use that, too!

Dads are protectors. It is instinctive. God made them that way. It is one reason He said they are the head of the household (Ephesians 5:23). Moreover, they are fighters, warriors, soldiers, and church parking attendants! Tirelessly, they work two, three, four jobs to make ends meet. They are ever vigilant keeping their eyes on things to keep them running smoothly.

Dads are also tenderhearted. They have been known to give the best tea parties ever! They also build the strongest forts for theirs and other children, too. Undoubtedly, they give the best bear hugs and can sit you on their shoulders so high that you can see! Further, they take over the kitchen and grill to give us scrumptious yummy meals.

When men pray, they humbly submit themselves to God. They realize ALL of their strength comes from Him. They want to be the man God wants him to be. As like women, you do not have to have birth or fathered a child to be a Dad. Everything I mentioned above and more, pouring into the life of another human being makes you a Dad. Needless to say, it is when Dads keep their eyes on God he will reflect to his family all what God has made him to be. Without question, this makes his family and God SMILE, too. Love & Blessings!