God Hates A Proud Spirit, But Loves A Humble Spirit

The Holy Spirit will speak to you as you read God’s word. He will tell you things you need to know as it applies to you. He will also bring to your remembrance things you may have seen or heard before, as they apply. So, I have noticed how God reacts to a humble spirit. I have surmised that it softens God’s heart when your spirit is humble. For example, one of the reasons why God used Moses was because of his humble spirit (Numbers 2:3).

II Chronicles 12 we read that Rehoboam is now king after the passing of his father Solomon. We see in verse one as Rehoboam built his kingdom, he forgot God. So, this is one of the patterns or themes throughout the Bible. I believe it is a caution to us. As we move through life and start using “I” in reference to our achievements, our possessions, etc., we become prideful, which God hates. Glaringly, God has not been shy in his Word in telling us what he will do for us if we obey him and what He will do if we do not.

I am convinced God LOVES it when we talk about Him and acknowledge Him in all that we are and what we have. He is right! A humble spirit recognizes we are NOTHING without him. A prideful spirit has a difficult time acknowledging that because it wants to think, well I must have done something to make this happen for me. What about God leading and guiding my footsteps in all that I am and what I have. I’d say you can’t go wrong with that sentiment. A humble spirit is wat God loves! When God looks at you does he see a prideful spirit or a humble spirit? Love & Blessings!