Galatians 1:10

Who are you trying to please in your life? Are you chasing after the approval of this world? Are you chasing after the riches of this world? Are you chasing after the nods you receive after you have impressed people?

Galatians 1:10 challenges us. Without fail, we can get so caught in the things of this world so fast. I call them the distractions of Satan. Glaringly, the challenge in this scripture plainly tells us we cannot serve God and man at the same time. Needless to say, we are either a servant of Christ or we are not. Paul, the author of this book, cuts no corners here, right? He clearly draws a line in the sand.

I recently heard someone make the distinction between surrendering to God and sacrificing to God. Sacrificing is when you are choosing to give certain things in your life over to God. Surrendering is when you have turned your whole life over to the Master. It is what Galatians 1:10 challenges us to do. Love & Blessings!