For With Their Mouth, They Show Much Love

We have all seen those people who talk a good game. Usually, they are pumping themselves up in front of other people. They talk about all they are doing for others. Some of them practice the fake it until you make it way of living all the while not acknowledging our God.

I know God set me on this journey to know more about Him. The many things that have been revealed to me has been jaw dropping, amazing, thought provoking, and humbling. It has also allowed me to see the repetitiveness of things that are happening.

Sometimes we approach God in what is happening in our day is so different in what was going on in ancient and biblical times. That is a lie from Satan. He wants us to think that God does not understand how we feel and what we are going through when in fact He does… HE IS GOD!

Ezekiel 33:31 describes the people of that day. The latter part of this verse sounded so familiar as I have read it before in Isaiah 29:13, and in the New Testament when Jesus spoke similar words, “…for with their mouth they show much love, but their heart is far from me.” (Matthew 15:7-9).

God is the same God past, present, and future. There is nothing new to Him and NOTHING catches Him off guard. So, in Ezekiel’s day the people are playing the same game of serving God with the lips but their hearts are far from Him. This is our God who is seeing this and making this observation, even today. God searches the HEART not the MOUTH. Love & Blessings!