Ephesians 4:2-3

Ephesians 4:2-3 admonishes us to walk in the Spirit continually. Therefore, in this holiday season of hustle and bustle there will be plenty of opportunity to put this into practice. Consequently, coming off the heels of Thanksgiving, I had plenty of things that just did not go right!

Technology can be great when it is working properly. However, when it goes awry, we all know what a headache it can be. Here comes the test to put our Spiritual tools into action. This is how we treat ourselves and others showing love and humility. We have to be gentle and patient with ourselves and others. We demonstrate this with our attitudes and with what we say and how we say it. Usually, when we have problems with our technology if we cannot figure it out we have to talk to another human on the phone or in person who will try to help us, if we let them. Remember, they are precious to God as we are, too. This is just one of many examples of things not quite going our way.

I have learned to recognize these tests, disguised as frustrations and irritations. Immediately, I allow the Holy Spirit to help me display these Fruit that are sometimes difficult to do in our own strength. Many times I start talking to God and try to find some humor in the situation. It is a BEAUTIFUL experience when the Spirit of the LIVING GOD, which dwells within each of us, provides the help we need to get through any situation or circumstance, if we allow Him. Love & Blessings!