Encounters With God

Encounters with God can be fun. Moreover, it can also be precious. Daily, I am always looking for God in my life. These moments that we get with God Satan is quick to steal, kill, and destroy.

Recently, it felt like I had a ton of things I needed to do. One of the things I wanted to do was to sweep up some debris in front of my house from a storm. Constantly, it was on my list of things to do for the day. However, it kept being pushed to the next day. Then, on the day I was determined to get it done, the city street sweeper came by and swept it away. Further, I got excited and thanked God!

Another recent encounter was in a parking garage on a college campus. We all know how busy and crowded college campuses are. So, when I entered into the parking garage, I said a quick prayer that God would show me favor with a parking space. Two cars had the right of way on the opposite side of me making a right turn. I needed to make a left turn and followed behind them.

Now, in the natural you would think, they would see and get the closest and convenient parking space close to the garage exit. Ironically, I saw them speeding past the vacant parking space close to the garage exit. As a result, I was so humbled to get that parking space as I did not want to park on the other levels of the garage.

These God encounters are many for me. I intentionally look for God in my life. God tells us we should live with expectation! (1 Peter 1-5) Therefore, it should be an expectation and hope to see God daily in our lives through Christ Jesus. This is the intimacy we gain having a personal relationship with our God. Love & Blessings!