Dismiss God… Miss God!

We are God’s loving children. Imagine that! He loves us with an everlasting love and wants the BEST for us in our lives. He uses many tools to deliver His best to us. Some we love when we receive them. Some are painful, too. However, Romans 8:28 says ALL things work together for our good for those who love God and are called for His purposes.

Needless to say, if all things work together for our good, that means we take the good with the bad trusting and believing God is orchestrating and scripting our lives as we live and breathe.

We have to keep God first place in our hearts, mind, body and soul. Satan is always waiting for an opportunity to kill, steal and destroy from us. He is not our friend! Intentionally, each and every day we have to LOOK for God… SEE Him working in our lives. Certainly, we may not understand it all, but when we take on the mind and heart of Christ, we can SEE Him… Embrace it!

Remember, when we dismiss God in our lives, we miss God in our lives. How sad is that when you think about it? Unequivocally, I cannot overstate it enough. God is constantly working in our lives. The Bible says God neither sleep nor slumber (Psalm 121:4).

We have to honor God and acknowledge Him in everything. Why? Because literally He is our EVERYTHING! Love & Blessings!