David’s Confidence In God

I love David’s professions to God in the Psalms. Psalm 143 really shows his confidence in God and his intimacy with Him. Boldly, he once again cries out to the Lord for Him to hear his prayer and asks not to be judged because no man can stand before our God and be justified in His sight. Astonishingly, he spews on his enemies and how they are treating him. Afterward, this causes David to feel overwhelmed and his heart is desolate. Admittedly, I have felt that way when the enemy has come after me. I can relate… Can you?

I have had moments where I felt I had been squashed by the enemy. As a result, it was all I can do to push and move forward even though I did not have the desire to. Subsequently, it forced me to make a choice. Am I going to let the enemy break my spirit or will I continue to focus on the goodness of the Lord? Amazingly, meditating and remember the things of God gives us the confidence, like David, to push on and to move forward. Undoubtedly, we serve a God of progress! Satan wants to kill, steal, and destroy. Contrarily, he hates progress.

David finds his strength in the Lord. Emphatically, he reaches out his hands. He searches for God’s lovingkindness. David decides to trust in God. He delivers his soul unto the Lord and asks for deliverance. There are more requests for God to cut off his enemies and destroy them… Wow! We see David’s humanity and boldness. We, too, can use David’s display and example of expressing our confidence in God. Love & Blessings!