David Got A Do Over With God… And So Do We!

In 1 Chronicles we see that David is made king after Saul’s death. We get a description of the valiant men of David’s army and the companies that came before David (1 Chronicles 11 10-47). In the transfer of power, if you will, the Ark of the Covenant must be transferred as well. There is no doubt that David had a love for God. Skillfully, God had been preparing him for many years to take the throne, but not before his time, which is also a lesson for us. We never want to get ahead of God’s plan s for our life.

In the transferring of the Ark of the Covenant we see in 1 Chronicles 13:7, they are using a new cart to transport it. Uzza and Ahio are the drivers of the cart. David is enthusiastic and wanting to do things the “right” way. So, sometimes when we become so enthusiastic in what we are doing we occasionally forget procedures and protocols. Subsequently, when the Ark was about to tumble over, Uzza reached out and touched the Ark, which was forbidden by God. God had given Moses instructions long ago on how the Ark was to be handled. This angered God and He smote Uzza; he died before God (1 Chronicles 13:10). In turn, David was afraid of God and did not know how to handle the Ark (1 Chronicles 13:12).

David became perplexed and did not know what to do. After, this event, David went up against the Philistines and God showed favor upon him (1 Chronicles 14:10). God gave David more instructions and showed favor on how to defeat the enemy in battle. After receiving these instructions from God, David realized his mistake with transferring the Ark. Then, David gave new instructions for the Levites to carry the Ark as was instructed by God with Moses (1 Chronicles 15: 1-15). This is significant because once again, we see the importance of doing things the way God has instructed.

David got a do over in transferring the Ark. They had a huge celebration with singer and instruments of music. It was a joyful, festive celebration. It is a lesson for us that when we go before God and acknowledge our wrong doing, asked for forgiveness, and repent, the Lord will redeem us! Praise God! … We get do overs, too! Love & Blessings!