Daniel’s Refusal

When we are committed to God we will not always fit in with the traditions, customs, and culture of the world. Daniel was living in a foreign land.  He was determined to do things God’s way. Everyone knew that Daniel was different. I suspect he knew he was different, too. However, honoring God was paramount in Daniel’s life.

King Darius believed Daniel’s God given gifts and talents an asset to his kingdom. Undoubtedly, the king wanted Daniel and others who had theses extraordinary gifts and talents to be close in his court. Consequently, this led to special privileges and promotions for Daniel. Yet, with these privileges and promotions Daniel did not take on the traditions, customs, and culture of where he was. He knew who the Most High God was. Committing himself through what he ate, how he prayed and through his character was his way of continuing to honor and serve God.

Sometimes we stand out for doing things God’s way. Strangely enough, it may draw jealousy from others. This happened to Daniel. Staunchly, his refusal to do things the world’s way brought favor to him from God. This caused his colleagues to cook up a scheme to put Daniel in a fix. Satan will use others to cook up schemes against us, too, when we stand for God. Remember, God’s plan is always bigger than the enemy’s plan. Love & Blessings!