Creation versus Evolution

Recently, I had the thrill of visiting the Creation Museum! Often, in school we hear about evolution or how man evolved from the ape.  Not knowing any better as a child, I never questioned what was being taught in school. I never reconciled it from what I was being taught in church. As a child, in my mind, I kept it separate.

Isn’t it funny how we so easily take on the beliefs of this world and culture. We don’t question it and assume it must be true because a person of authority said it like a teacher or a preacher, even a celebrity. However, here lies the rub of knowing Jesus Christ for yourself. Not because of what your mother, grandmother, Sunday school teacher of whomever told you, but because YOU had an encounter with Him for yourself.

The beauty of this is once you have had an encounter, you will never forget it. Satan will try to kill, steal and destroy that encounter, but just like the Saints in the Bible, you are forever changed. It is where our intimacy with HIM starts! Invariably, we must protect, cherish, and treasure that encounter. How, you might ask? Consistently, throughout the day by feeding our faith every day. When I visited The Creation Museum, I was doing just that! To see pictures of this fabulous museum click Photo Gallery>Creation Museum on this website… Enjoy!