COVID’s Spiritual Lessons

Have you been able to see the lessons or the things God wanted you to know during this COVID pandemic? With a world-wide pandemic, it certainly gave us ALL a moment to pause. COVID slowed our pace of life for most of us. In a sense, it gave us a time of rest from the normal. In the Bible we see that Jesus took time to get away from the normal, the crowds, to spend time with our Father, God. I believe sometimes we forget that the same God of the Bible is the same God we are serving today! God wants us to spend time with Him. Satan does not want us to embrace that in our spirits. Again, he tries to kill, steal, and destroy the things of God in our lives.

Fortunately, God has given us a day of rest. He gave us seven days in a week and out of those seven we should be taking at least one day of rest. Are you taking one day of rest? We actually should be communing with our Heavenly Father throughout the day, for the Bible says we should be praising and worshiping God from sunrise to sunset (Psalms 113: 3-5). Satan does not want you to know that either because doing this is one of the things that build our faith. So what does this look like? It can be playing worship music, singing, talking to God, meditating on things of good report, asking God for his help, etc. It is a life that shows its dependence on God!

I believe one of the reasons for COVID was to draw us closer to our God. Yes, God is calling us and He wants us closer to Him. We can never be too close. This world, Satan’s kingdom, will swallow you up if you let it. COVID also should have allowed us to assess and reassess what is going on in our individual lives. COVID exposed many things that are going on in our lives, if we are honest. It showed us what needs to remain, and what needs to go. It showed us what needs to be fixed and what needs to be readjusted.

In the Bible, we see how God used plagues, war, and famine to call his people back to him. They kept turning away and turning away from him. He used these events to get their attention and most of them made the adjustments in their lives to put God first place in their lives. What has God shown you through COVID, this plague that has visited us? Love & Blessings!