Welcome back to Where Is God Now blog. This is not the blog post I had initially prepared for this week. Usually I am posting on Saturday night, but today I am posting on Sunday morning. For those of you who know me well, I often say God speaks to us every day. It is up to us if we are paying attention to him. Our world has been turned upside down. It is in turmoil for so many. All schedules have been halted. Everyone has been impacted. Many are wondering what is going on in our world. It is my understanding that COVID-19 has reached all continents except Antarctica. I cannot say God caused this virus to invade our world. However, because God is all-knowing, this virus did not catch God off guard or by surprise. He is not even wondering what happened. I do believe God allowed it to be. It is a humbling time for all as we see we are not as in control of our lives as some seem to think. God gives us each and every breath we take in this life and MORE. We serve a loving and gracious God. Today, I believe he is still speaking to each of us. The question is if some of us will continue to tune him out or will more tune him in.

We are feverishly trying to figure out a cure for this virus. We know God has the answer and He will reveal it in time. Last evening at 5:30 p.m. as I was eating my dinner and watching a 1991 Billy Graham Crusade program, God spoke to my spirit and shared COVID meant in the spiritual realm, Christ Over Virus Is Defeated. There lies our HOPE! If there is any fear, CHRIST removes all fear! We win! We win in Christ! Our answer is in Christ, which should not surprise those of us who are of the Faith. Christ always intercedes for us! Jesus always gets his prayers answered through God, our father.  God is in control of COVID-19 and the answer is in Christ. Last Sunday was Easter and we know Christ was raised from the dead for our sins. It is up to us if we accept Christ in our lives. It is more than just lip service, though. It is heart service… God wants our hearts! Jesus helps us to give our hearts to God.

There is so much confusion that is starting to unfold in our world. We know that God is not the author of confusion. This is not a time for us to be rebellious. Sometimes our memory becomes short, but in the Bible the children of Israel became rebellious after God set them free out of years of bondage. They never saw the promise land. I believe God put those events in the Bible for us to learn from.  We do not have to learn from the school of hard knocks. Things should be done in decent order. I do not know what all of the fall out and implications will be as we head to our new normal. What I am confident about is as long as I keep my eyes on God, He will get me through this with his supernatural PEACE. This PEACE is available to all who will keep their eyes on God.  This is what I have been living on since COVID has struck our society and it is a beautiful place to be.

God has been speaking to me each and every day since COVID struck as I was already homebound recovering from surgery. I immediately asked God what I could do for Him as I was sitting home recovering and wanting to do something. God starting pouring into my spirit thought provoking and positive affirmations to share. I have been sharing it each morning on Facebook. I pray those affirmations have been of help to all who may have read them. God shared with me even if it makes a difference for one soul that is one soul that has been helped. 

I am confident that God holds the time of when COVID-19 will be no more. In the meantime, as he has us in this appointed time, I pray that each of you will hear the message that he has for YOU! The message does not have to be anything profound or drastic. The message may be sweet and subtle. Only you and God will know that.  He has given us the time in our schedules to call on Him and spend time with Him. He wants an intimate relationship with us and this is a time to cultivate that intimate relationship with him. He is our CREATOR. He is our GOD. Give him your ear. Give him your time. Most importantly, give him your HEART. Thank you for visiting the blog. Next week I will post what I had prepared for this week and finish unpacking the book, Where Is God!? Blessed Are The Pure In Heart For They Shall See God, unless God say otherwise. Amen… Love and Blessings!