Consequences For Our Actions

David was a man after God’s own heart. However, David did some things over and over and over again God did not like. Why do you think those things are mentioned in the Bible? It is for us to learn the lessons of David’s mistakes. Not to give us permission to do the same as some people seem to think when they try and justify their wrong doing. God is putting it out there for us to exercise wisdom and caution in our own lives. 1 Chronicles 21:1 clearly states that Satan provoked David to number or conduct a census on Israel. Verse 7 in that same chapter tells us that God was displeased with this and smote Israel.

Consequences were sent for David’s action. The next verse shows David acknowledging his sin. This was an act that God did not ask David to do and showed David’s prideful behavior of wanting to know how much power he had in the land. God hates pride. It separates us from Him and we start to think we can do things independently of God. This is very similar thinking of what happened to Satan and how he separated himself from God.

God sends Gad, David’s seer, to tell David He has three things, or consequences, He can do unto him. We love to focus on God’s mercy and love for us, which is good, and we should. God does not want us to be afraid of Him; He does want us to respect Him as the God of the universe. He has already told us He is a jealous God. He LOVED us so much that He sacrificed His son, Jesus, which is something we should not take lightly. However, Satan wants us to take it lightly and brush off our sins as simply asking for forgiveness and Jesus will take care of the rest. Jesus does cover our sins for those who have accepted Him, but it does not absolve the consequences.

Satan does not want us to think our actions through to the point of consequences. He wants us to think it through just enough so we can satisfy our flesh through pleasure or getting someone back through word or deed. In the Bible we see, uncannily and unsettlingly ways those sins came back and hurt those giants that we love so much in the Word. Moses, David and Solomon, are a few. You can read throughout the Bible how some of these sins did some of them in. In the New Testament, Jesus describes how He will dismiss some of the religious leaders saying He never knew them as they try to make it into heaven. There are many mysteries in the Bible we cannot explain, but God has given us enough to let us know those things we should stay away from.

1 Chronicles 21:12, God gave David the choice of three consequences for his sin. The choices were three years of famine, three months to be destroyed by his enemies, or three days of pestilence in the land. Wow! So, we see God uses famine, war, and pestilence to chastise or punish his people. We also hope our sins do not bring about harsh consequences. We cannot sit down and try to figure out why things happen the way that they do. We cannot sit around and judge people on their actions. God has called us to love him, trust him and do good to all, even our enemies.  We also believe ALL things work together for our good for those who love God and who are called for His purpose. So, in the hustle and bustle of living our lives, lest not forget about the consequences for our actions… Believe me, Satan does not want you to think about this. Love and Blessings!