Clothing & Shoe Drive

Happy Easter! On behalf Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc. and our Christian sister who has been set free on so many levels, we thank you. Your donations and generosity were profound and meaningful. For it to be expressed during this Easter season, YOU are the hands, and feet of Jesus on the Earth!

Thank you for your love and support!

Please share with whomever…

Love & Blessings!


One of the ladies has been released from jail… Hallelujah! She is trying to re-enter back into the community/society. It is a one day at a time process. She is in need of clothing, shoes, and bras. She wears a size 16 and 14, if they are of stretchy material. She wears a 7.5 and 8 in shoes and 38D bra. If you have any gently used or new items you would like to donate, it would be greatly appreciated.

I will collect the items on Saturday, March 23 and Sunday, March 24. As usual, you are more than welcome to drop the items at my garage door, if you wish. I also ask that you keep her, her family, and the other ladies and gentleman who are still incarcerated in your prayers. One of the goals when I visit with the ladies weekly is to teach them about their spiritual tools, weapons, and arsenal God has provided us to fight the enemy. I remind them we have to be just as good fighting the enemy as the enemy is in fighting us. Part of that is knowing what we have at our disposal and recognizing the enemy when he comes.

There have been great things that have been happening with the jail ministry as the ladies are being set free from some of their bondages and chains. However, they still need a transitional period from once they leave jail and go back into their environments from whence they came… Here lies the GAP for many of them. Stronger support systems are needed to help them transition through the gaps. Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc. is looking to fill those gaps as God leads and directs us. Thank you for being the hands, mouth and feet of Jesus on the Earth!

Thank you for your love and support.

Please share with whomever…

Love & Blessings!
