Celebrating Another Jail Ministry Graduation

We recently celebrated another jail ministry graduation. This is the 6th graduation the Chesapeake Jail Ministry has had for the women inmates. It is truly a milestone for these ladies. It propels them forward into the plan God has for each of their lives. Please continue to pray for them. They need to seek God on a daily basis. This will help them as we all must do.

As I go to minister to the ladies, God is revealing many things to me. Where Is God Now Ministries is the hands, mouth, and feet of Jesus on the Earth. God has shown me the needs of the inmates. He wants our ministry to fulfill these needs. It is clear the inmates need holistic centers that will address their various needs. God is laying out the plans. Where Is God Now Ministries is to execute them. In the coming months we will share more.

As many start the program, only a few actually finish it for various reasons. Some are being transferred to other facilities. Some are being released back into society. Unfortunately, some are sent back into the regular jail population. They committed violations that would not let them stay in the program. As we know Satan’s influence is everywhere, even in the jails and prisons. He is nonstop.

For now, join me in congratulating the ladies who graduated from the cohort through your thoughts and prayers for them. Additionally, we have started a new cohort with many excited ladies happy to be in the Nurture Block program. I know many of you have been praying for these ladies. It is what they need most in their incarceration.

My constant advice to them and anyone else in life is keep your eyes on God. He will get you where you need to be… It is TRUE! God already knows the plans He has for our individual lives. If we cooperate with Him, He will get us where we need to be. Amen! Love & Blessings!