Take A Deeper Look!

What’s it all about? Take a closer look at the image above. Look at all of the wonderful beautiful benefits and gifts we have as Christians! Emphatically, we have eternal life with our Father God and spared the fire and brimstone of the lake of fire with Satan.

We have the promises of God that will give abundant and victorious life right now on the Earth. Amazingly, that is the abundant blessings, big and small, we see and experience every day. Lovingly, God gives us His grace to get through some of the most difficult times with His peace that surpasses all understanding here on Earth. Hence, we have unspeakable joy that can not be explained. Thankfully, God’s mercies are ever new each and every day.

God has asked us to show compassion and love one to another. Indeed, that is usually shown by our forgiveness to others. Markedly, we are to live by the word of God which is our truth in life. Consistently, the word gives us courage and strength to walk in the ways Jesus, our wonderful Savior, who showed us the way here on the Earth.  Moreover, it is faith in what He has done for us that will save our souls. We believe in this act and we spread the gospel, the good news, of Jesus is Lord!

To show our love and appreciation for the freedom He has given us, we live and walk in the Spirt. We willingly yield our lives over to God for Him to use us for His glory. We praise and magnify His name each and every day through devotion, prayer and the sharing of our faith to others. This is the hope in our salvation we have in all that Jesus has done for us on the cross above… Amen. Love & Blessings!

The Bible Shows Us Themes and Patterns of Life to Avoid and to Embrace

Solomon, Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, and Jehoshaphat and others started out strong and with a whole heart for God. God tremendously blessed them, but they faltered and failed. It is a reminder to us to be oh so careful to keep our eyes focused on God less we fail. We are still in this flesh and that is not to say we will not make mistakes, but I believe when our HEARTS wander from God we start to wonder, we start to falter, and we start to fail. It is a cautionary tale from many aspects.

This gives us a deeper understanding why God sacrificed His son, Jesus, for our sins. When you read what God commands, and it is so repetitive throughout the Bible with the different characters we read about, we definitely needed a Savior. These are the deeper things of God. Not the surface stuff and head knowledge of what we know.

God is getting at something deeper. II Chronicles 16:9 says God’s eyes run to and fro on the earth looking for a perfect heart towards him. So, Jesus was our sacrifice, but it is not a pass to live as we please. There lies the rub. This is where God will do the sorting. Man does not do the sorting God does. Man cannot condemn us, but God, through the Holy Spirit, convicts us.

The themes and patterns we see in the Bible are warning signs to us over and over and over again. If we ignore them, there are ultimately consequences. Some may be detrimental to our eternal soul. Conversely, those themes and patterns also showcase God’s tremendous blessings which ushers us into the abundant, victorious life God has promised us here on the Earth! Love & Blessings!

Asa LOVED God, Too! 

In II Chronicles 15, we see the spirit of the Lord fell on Azariah to depart a message unto Asa. We love it when we receive good news. Azariah shared with Asa that God was with him because he was with God. Isn’t that good news? So, the same God who knew Asa was with Him is the same God who knows we are with Him today! And the good news for us is He is with us, too! That is something to be excited about!

Asa was encouraged to seek God and He will find Him. We have the same entitlement, too! Oh, but here is that warning again. This seems to be a theme in the Old Testament. I am convinced it is there so we would not forget either and to ensure we take this warning seriously… “…but if ye forsake Him, He will forsake you.” (V. 2).

Versus 3 through 6 describes how God treated Israel during those times they forsook God. Again, this was repeated over and over and over again with Israel. It is also a message for us that there is always hope for us. However, we still have to endure the consequences for our actions. He sent them no peace and sent great vexations upon the countries, nations, cities, with the adversities God sent. Yet, God still loved them, but He had to chastise them. Again, out of love because God hates what sin does to us. It destroys us. That is why He has asked our allegiance to Him.

So, because Asa loved God and honored him and took God seriously, he was very prosperous and entered into God’s rest. That was God’s reward to him (v.7). Asa cleaned up the city from all idols. He even dethroned his mother because she had made an idol in a grove (v.16). Asa’s heart was described as perfect all his days (v. 17) Asa lived in abundance. Verse 17 states, “…no more war…” This is what God can do for you and me when we turn our hearts towards him. Love & Blessings!

The Lord Will Give Rest!

We have many battles to fight on this Christian journey we are on. However, the key is to make sure we are fighting the battles God wants us to fight and not the distracting battles Satan puts before us. He does this to keep us off track and away from our destiny.

Sometimes we get tired of the battles that God allows and sometimes sends in our lives. I remember a situation I had to spring up in my life. On the outside everything looked perfect! But the Holy Spirit let me know in advance before I became immersed in the situation I was going to have a season of torment. Needless to say, the flesh side of me did not want that. I wanted to run!

So, I tried to find a way of escape and get out of the situation. Unfortunately, certain things had happened that locked me into the situation and the only way I was going to get out of it was to act like a mad woman. I knew that was not what God wanted me to do. Obediently, I had to yield to the Holy Spirit and rely on Him to get me through it and ultimately out of the situation. Although the torment came, God gave me peace and rest in my soul.

In II Chronicles 14:2 we see another descendant from David, Asa. During his reign there was quiet in the land for ten years. He stripped the land of the strange gods and commanded the people to seek God and follow his commands. The Bible further goes on to say he had no wars because the Lord gave him rest (v. 6). The Lord will do the same for us, too. Prior to this the people had encountered many wars and battles. Most of this was because of their doing. Graciously, the Lord sent rest when he saw they were trying to follow Him. Be faithful before the Lord and in due season He will send you rest. Love & Blessings!

God Hates A Proud Spirit, But Loves A Humble Spirit

The Holy Spirit will speak to you as you read God’s word. He will tell you things you need to know as it applies to you. He will also bring to your remembrance things you may have seen or heard before, as they apply. So, I have noticed how God reacts to a humble spirit. I have surmised that it softens God’s heart when your spirit is humble. For example, one of the reasons why God used Moses was because of his humble spirit (Numbers 2:3).

II Chronicles 12 we read that Rehoboam is now king after the passing of his father Solomon. We see in verse one as Rehoboam built his kingdom, he forgot God. So, this is one of the patterns or themes throughout the Bible. I believe it is a caution to us. As we move through life and start using “I” in reference to our achievements, our possessions, etc., we become prideful, which God hates. Glaringly, God has not been shy in his Word in telling us what he will do for us if we obey him and what He will do if we do not.

I am convinced God LOVES it when we talk about Him and acknowledge Him in all that we are and what we have. He is right! A humble spirit recognizes we are NOTHING without him. A prideful spirit has a difficult time acknowledging that because it wants to think, well I must have done something to make this happen for me. What about God leading and guiding my footsteps in all that I am and what I have. I’d say you can’t go wrong with that sentiment. A humble spirit is wat God loves! When God looks at you does he see a prideful spirit or a humble spirit? Love & Blessings!     

God Sent Pestilence; COVID Is A Pestilence!

God asked me to go back and read his word again fall 2021. We are approaching fall 2022 and I am almost done completing the reading of the entire Bible. The things I have discovered in reading His word has been jaw dropping for me. Unfortunately, we sometimes forget, dismiss, or simply do not want to submit and obey those things God has asked of us. Supernaturally, as we read God’s word, the Holy Spirit will reveal, illuminate, highlight, and speak to our spirit, if we are open to Him. These are some of the reasons the importance of each of us in reading the Word for yourself. Invariably, Satan will try and lie to you and discourage you by telling you it is hard to read and you will not understand it.

God will speak to you on your level to understand it! Astonishingly, the beauty is as God is helping you, He will take you deeper and deeper into the things of Him, if you let Him. However, He will not force Himself on you though. He wants us to love Him willingly and to get to know Him intimately. Ultimately, this is what our relationship with Him is all about. Why is this important for us to come to God willingly and have an intimate relationship with Him? Because He wants us to KNOW him as He knows us! This is what relationship is all about.

I want to go back to II Chronicles 7: 13. God talks about the things He can do. He talks about sending no rain, calling locust to devour the land, and sending pestilence among the people. This is not new because in previous books in the Bible we see God using these methods before. So, nothing is new to God, he has seen it all. COVID was new to the world though. Frustratingly, we were scrambling trying to figure out what was going on, what it was, and how to combat it.

COVID is our modern-day pestilence. When you look at everything that is happening in our country and in the world and us flaunting our sins in front of God as if He does not exist, and is not seeing and hearing everything, who is not to say that COVID is a pestilence that God sent. God is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. We know that He does not change. Jesus was not sent to give us a pass on our sins. He came to save us from our sins, but it does not absolve the consequences of our sins. If God, did it back then, He can do it today. Love & Blessings!

The Next Best Thing!

Reading the Bible should bring much JOY! It should bring us joy because the same God of the Bible is the same God we serve today! I am encouraged when I read the Bible because the same things He did for people back then are the same things He is capable of doing today! Assuredly, I believe this was one of the reasons why God sent me on this mission to read His word, the Bible, again back in the fall. It has been quite the journey! It has built my relationship with Him and has given me a deeper and richer understanding of Him. Graciously, I believe this really pleases God.

In my book, Where Is God!? Blessed Are The Pure In Heart For They Shall See God, I talk about how God knows us inside out. He knows everything there is to know about us. Thankfully, our opportunity to get to know him intimately is through reading and knowing His word. It also serves as protection for us, too, when Satan tries to throw his lies at us.

So, God made us for progress. Wonderfully, there is always something more He has for us. We can say it is the, “Next Best Thing”, he has for us! That is exciting! I have gathered from my readings of the Bible that when we seek God with all of our hearts, not only will we find Him, but He will reward us, too! Sometimes in life, things can get stagnant. We get tired of the same old humdrum. Or maybe we are transitioning from one life changing event to another. Needless to say, we often wonder or ask the question what is next? Even with this, we should be seeking God and pose this question to Him.

We know that God has the BEST plan for our lives. I take refuge and pleasure in knowing I can go to God with the question of what is the next BEST thing for me. So, I do this with anticipation. I eagerly look for God to see what doors He is opening. Curiously, LI look at the doors He is closing, too. Without a doubt, I look for His favor and blessings in my life. Invariably, I recognize the things he has protected me from and the things he has spared me of. You see, for those of us who are seeking the abundant, victorious life God has promised us, He is with us ALWAYS. He will not forsake us because our hearts are very near to him.

We do not have to live defeated lives or lives that are living in the world and chasing after its trappings. We know what the end result that will be.  Remember, we live in the world, but we do not have to be of the world. God has the Next BEST Thing for us if we will continue to seek Him. Love & Blessings!

Oyster Expedition!

God’s creature the oyster! Do you like oysters? Tell me about your experience with oysters? Did you know that oysters can change their sex? Wow! So many wonderful things about the oyster. Listen to my video and click on “Photo Gallery” to ” Oyster Expedition Photos” on this website to see more! You can also find this on my social media page… Enjoy! Love & Blessings!

God’s Repeated Warnings To His People!

In last week’s blog we ended in II Chronicles 7 where God has acknowledged Solomon’s prayer. In reading the Bible has anyone noticed how God repeats himself over and over and over again? I believe God does this because what He is saying is very important to Him. No different from us. When we repeated ourselves, we want to make sure that people understand our message.

God emphasizes many things in acknowledging Solomon’s prayer. First, in verse 13 he tells him what He is capable of. Second, in verse 14 he gives him a prescription to how he can be blessed by Him. Then God starts repeating himself as He told David and the other mighty men before him, which was to walk before me, do what I command, observe my statues and judgements (verse 17). Further, God goes on to tell Solomon then he will establish his kingdom and will not fail him. However, in short, if you turn from me, if you forsake me, and serve other gods, and worship them, I will pluck them up by the roots by the land given to you, cast you out of my sight and use it as an example in the proverbs and bywords among the nation (verse19-20). Without hesitancy, God goes on to say people will wonder what happened when they see this and it will say because they forsook God and he has brought ALL of this evil upon then (verse 21-22).

Whoa! What a warning! Is this happening today? Yes! People do not want to acknowledge it, but maybe it is happening because we have forsaken God. People are in denial about this, too. But when you read God’s word for yourself and know what He is asking from us, it is clear. God reminds us in II Chronicles he can send pestilence. Is COVID a pestilence God has sent upon the world because of our disobedience? Hmmm… Love & Blessings!