God Prepared Elijah… He Became BOLD!

Many times, we wonder why God is not moving in the way we expect. We forget time and time again God’s thoughts and ways are not like ours. When we do this, we become frustrated. I have learned when I hit those dry or wilderness seasons to ask God, “What do you want me to know or learn?”

In 1 King:18, we see God had Elijah waiting for 3 years after he witnessed God perform the miracles in Zarephath. In those three years God was preparing Elijah to confront the most wicked king ever in Israel, Ahab. He was EVIL.                       

We see in verse 17, Ahab and Elijah finally meet. Ahab had the Israelites worshiping Baalim. Elijah wanted to settle the issue of who was the true and living God. So, he asked the Israelites that question. No one answered.

So, the challenge Elijah offers becomes to cut up two bullocks and lay it on wood with no fire. They were to call on the name of their gods. Elijah was to call on his God. The God who answers by fire will be the one and only true God.

The people took him up on the challenge. They called on their gods from morning to noon. Nothing happened. It is now Elijah’s turn. He becomes so bold that he builds an alter to surround the bullock pieces and builds a trench to soak the alter in water. It was now evening and Elijah prayed to his God. God consumed EVERYTHING that was on the alter including the water! The people fell on their faces and acknowledged the Lord God Almighty!

Often times, God wants to prepare us in our seasons of waiting. Even in our times in the wilderness, God wants to prepare us for His use, if we allow Him. After Elijah saw the miracles God performed in Zarephath, he knew what God was capable of doing. He became the willing vessel to confront the most evil and wicked king ever during that time in Israel. Are you willing to let God prepare you to do BOLD things for Him? Love & Blessings!   

Has God Sent Adversaries Your Way?

1 King 11:14 talks about God sending adversaries in Salomon’s life. Why? This is the man we discussed two blogs ago who prayed and asked God for wisdom and God gave it to him. However, we discussed in May 7’s blog (found at www.whereisgodnow.org) how Solomon started repeating the sins of his father, David. So just like David, God became angry with Solomon because he started doing things God asked him not to do. He disobeyed God and married women he was forbidden to marry which caused him to seek other gods.

Although, Jesus came to save us from our sins, it does not exempt us of the consequences that come with our sin. It does not mean that God will turn a blind eye to what we are doing. I believe if he sent adversaries to David and Solomon, he can do the same to us. Satan loves to confuse the issue and have us to believe it is okay to do the things the way that the world does it. After all, God did promise us an abundant, victorious life, right? No, no, sin is sin in God’s eyes and he will do the sorting and examining of our hearts, but do not let Satan fool you to think you will not have consequences to endure.

1 Kings 11 describes the three adversaries that God sent Solomon and how He would rend the kingdom away from Him. What a fall! This is the reminder of why we have to renew or hearts and minds through Christ Jesus every day. Our adversary, Satan, is seeking whomever he can devour and will use any and every tactic to draw us away from our God and have us turn our hearts against Him… Be strong in the Lord! Love & Blessings!

Abortion Rights?

God asks us to do powerful supernatural things. For example, when God asks us to bless our enemies that rails against our spirits. We can not do that in the flesh. We don’t even want to do it. But because God has asked us to do it, whether we like it or not, we should be obedient to God. Why? Because it really is for our own good. Sin is a destroyer. So, when we are angry, bitter, cold, etc., to others, in the end it destroys us little by little. This is why God has asked us to bless our enemies.

In this season of contention of Roe V. Wade, we have many angry people declaring their body is theirs and no one should tell them what they should do with it. However, for those of us who belong to God, who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, He has told us we have been bought with a price! The blood of Jesus was used to purchase us. The Bible says our bodies do not belong to us. Our bodies belong to God. His spirit dwells within our bodies. Our bodies are his temples on the Earth.

We have to be oh so careful when we start to take on the rhetoric of culture and the world. Do not forgot this world is Satan’s kingdom. Heaven is our home not the things in this world. We are just passing through on this Earth and hopefully being a blessing to others. Abortion is not of God. God is the giver and taker of life, not man. There is where we have to trust God in ALL things. That is not to say the things God has asked us to do is easy. But through the help of Jesus through the Holy Spirit, He will give us what we need to do the right thing. It may not always feel good at the moment. But when we honor God through our deeds and actions, He is paying attention. He is looking at our hearts and attitudes toward Him! The abortion issue has many layers to it, but the bottom line is will we be obedient to God and let Him have His way in our lives? Love & Blessings!

Repeating the Sins of the Father and Being Cut Off

God’s word is for our teaching. It edifies us and corrects us. The Bible warns of what may happen when we are disobedient. It blesses us when we honor and are obedient to His word. Solomon wanted to honor God with his life. This is evident in 1 King 3:9 when Solomon does not ask God for riches, fortune and fame, but He asks God for an understanding heart to judge people and discern between good and bad. This is called Wisdom! Should we not be asking God for the same?

Solomon was wise to ask God for wisdom. He had been exposed to much in his life seeing his father, King David, triumphs and failures. No doubt Solomon did not want to repeat the same mistakes as his father, David. He did not want to succumb to the same pitfalls nor did he want the people of Israel to suffer the same. However, some old habits die hard.

In 1 King 9, God makes a covenant with Solomon. God tells Solomon if he walks before Him with integrity of heart, uprightness, and do his commands and keep his statues and judgements, then he would establish his kingdom upon Israel. Then comes the warning… BUT IF YOU TURN from following me and do what I have not asked, then I will CUT YOU OFF. 

Furthermore, it says because Solomon and Israel forsook God and had taken hold of other god’s and worshipped and served them, the LORD BROUGHT UPON THEM ALL THIS EVIL In 1 King 11:6, it describes how Salomon did evil and his heart was not full after the Lord, as his father, David… repeating the sins of the father. This is food for thought … Have you forsaken God and brought much evil and curses in your life? Love & Blessings!

Read the Bible!

As I sit before God and read His word, the Bible, I realize He is teaching me many things about Who he is and How he works in our lives. One of the miracles of reading the Bible is although you may have read passage of scriptures numerous times; God reveals something more, something deeper, just for YOU that he wants you to know… That’s a BEAUTIFUL thing!

 I shared with you in earlier blogs, how God lead me to read the Gospels. I was only going to read the red words of Jesus, but God quickly corrected that notion and said I needed to read everything in context to get the full flavor of what was going on and how he worked and moved in the lives of people, circumstances and situations. I discovered not only was he working in the lives of His people, the Israelites, but He was also working in the lives of those people who were AGAINST Him, the Egyptians, during that time in the Bible and many others as you read further.

One of the BIG takeaways in reading the Bible is God will do, work, move, etc., in whomever lives He chooses including animals and all creatures. This is how we build and nurture a wonderful relationship with Him by getting to know Him through His word. Everything is the universe is at His command. It makes Him WHO He is, the ALMIGHTY GOD of the UNIVERSE… AWESOME! This makes for fascinating reading as it helps me relate to how God is moving and working in my life. It gives me the grace and patience to move forward and to open my heart to him more and more for Him to use me as His vessel in the capacity He needs… AMEN! Love & Blessings!

An Evil Spirit from the Lord?

King Saul

Last October God impressed upon my spirit to read His word. I must admit, I have never read the Bible in its entirety. God knew that. So, He had me to start with the New Testament and now I am reading the Old Testament. Folks, I have made so many discoveries, which I believe is ONE of the reasons God wanted me to read His word in its entirety. The Bible is the first communication God speaks to us. If you want to know how God thinks and His attributes, it is found in His word. As you start to read, the Holy Spirit will start showing you things and teaching you things about YOU, the World, and everything in between.

Consequently, as I am reading 1 Samuel 16:14, I knew the story of Samuel and King Saul was disobedient and the infamous phrase Samuel said to him, “It is better to be obedient than to sacrifice.” I knew the story. However, this time what jumped out at me was the second part of verse 14. We know that the spirit of the Lord left King Saul because of His disobedience. But I never realize, “…and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him.” I have always associated evil spirits with the devil, Satan. We talk about demonic spirits and evil spirits and they are associated with the devil. I know God caused Pharaoh’s heart to be harden towards the Israelites while Moses was trying to set them free. We know God’s purpose in that was to show his power and might to ALL. We know the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness, but it was not described as an evil spirit.  We know Satan was there to tempt Jesus. It was also a beautiful illustration of when Satan tries to tempt us and how we should resist Him. So, I needed to delve into the purpose of the Lord sending an evil spirit to King Saul to trouble him.

Another beauty about knowing the Bible for yourself is you discover over and over there is nothing new under the sun, in which we find in God’s word. This is true. Although we are living in modern times, anything we face is not new to God. It may be new to us like COVID, but God was dealing with plagues since the beginning of time and some of them He sent purposely. So, King Saul has this evil spirit sent by the Lord to trouble him… Hmmmm.

Well, when the spirit of the Lord left King Saul, it was a sad day. A sad day indeed that the Lord sent an evil spirit in the place of His spirit upon King Saul. Folks, this is deep. Sometimes an evil spirit can come upon us because of our disobedience… There, I said it! Could it be, that we are struggling and having hard times because we are out of God’s will for our life? We want to blame Satan, but sometimes it maybe us and the bad choices we have made, like King Saul made. King Saul was miserable after the Lord’s spirit left him.

Without God’s spirit in our lives today, we are miserable beings. Some of us may not know the source of our misery, but in some instances, it may be the spirit of the Lord has departed from our lives. King Saul’s constant disobedience left him as a wretched man.  His pride got the best of him. And although he would say he was doing things for God and making sacrifices unto the Lord, God saw King Saul’s heart. As a resulted God no longer wanted Saul to be king and had David anointed as king.

In this story we see the process of how God deals with situations. Overnight, David did not become king, nor was Saul overthrown in an instant. But we can see the hand of God in this situation as he works in Saul’s life, David’s life, and yes, Samuel’s life as he is God’s messenger in all of this. So sometimes God deals with us. His spirit may leave us and we too may go through some misery because of our disobedience. But we know if we repent, and turn away from our sinful ways, God can restore us back into His fold. Love & Blessings!

He is Risen!

Our LOVE for Jesus should run deep. When you think of all he endured and how he has set us FREE, the gratitude and the thankfulness to Him should cause us to want to live our lives representing Him on the Earth. Consistently, this is how we can honor Him is by having Him the Lord and Savior of our lives. Jesus said, these people honor me with their lips and with their hearts are far away from me, Mathew 5:9. He also said something similar to religious people of his day that were healing the sick, prophesying, casting out demons among other things. He said there will come a day that he will dismiss them and tells them to depart from Him because He never knew them, Mathew 7:21-23. Wow! This chills me every time I read it. These people were busy! Busy doing God’s work; yet, they missed it, according to Jesus! That should be penetrating to every heart. It should give us an immediate gut check!  

It is one thing to know about Jesus, to know about God, to know about the Holy Spirt, to know the Bible, etc. Undoubtedly, it is clearly on a different realm of having an intimate relationship with Him. Confidently, having Him Lord and Savior of your life, and Him having YOUR HEART secures our eternal futures. That is what God looks at, our heart.

During this Easter season and moving forward, remember to love God with all your heart, mind, body, and soul. As Jesus was crucified on the cross for us, our souls will be crucified, too, but our spirits will grow more and more into the love of God and what he did with sacrificing his son, Jesus, for us and THEN leaving the Holy Spirit to be our comfort and guide. It is truly a beautiful and amazing thing that words cannot capture the fullness of it. Lovingly, embrace and appreciate what was done for YOU! Love & Blessings!

Blessed Palm Sunday!

Palm Sunday is the commemoration of the triumphant entry of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s entry into Jerusalem. The people welcomed and greeted Jesus into the city by waving palm branches and scattering them in the rode way as He made His entry.  His entry was significant as he was riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. A donkey is seen as an animal of peace versus a horse that is seen as an animal of war. This entry upon a donkey was also seen as fulfilling prophecy in Zechariah 9:9, “The Coming of Zion’s King – See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”  The people had heard of Jesus’ great works of healing and the raising of Lazarus from the dead among other signs and wonders. So, they were genuinely happy to see Him in Jerusalem. I am sure most wondered what He could do for them.

In all of this celebration, Jesus also posed a threat on many levels especially in the political arena. How do you justify murdering an innocent man? You chump up charges against him. That is what they did to our Lord and Savior. Charges of blasphemy claiming to be King of the Jews was one of the charges. There were other false accusations against him as well. Palm Sunday also marks the first day of Holy week.  All of this set the stage for Jesus’ crucifixion at the end of the week with His resurrection on Easter Sunday. So much was going on within this span of time, but none of it by accident. For we know this was Jesus’ purpose on the Earth. He knew this. It was hard on his humanity to endure what he endured. But He relied on the Father to lead and guide him through this agony. What an example for us! We will have agony moments in our lives, too. Yet, we too, have God and the Holy Spirit to help us endure. Thank you, Jesus! Love & Blessings!

Spiritual Hard Times

God continues to speak to us as we seek Him. He speaks to us as we continue to serve Him. Daniel LOVED the Lord. He refused to stop praying three times a day after the king wrote a decree against it. After the king threw Daniel in the lion’s den, God spoke to Daniel assuring him he will deliver him because he continues to serve him. God’s word is His primary way of speaking to us. And yes, He has multiple ways of speaking, but as you start reading God’s word a miraculous thing starts to happen. So, he impresses upon your spirit certain things about Him, you, others, direction for your life… It is full with all kinds of messages for us, if we pay attention to what He is saying.

As God’s word sinks into our hearts and spirit, we start recalling things throughout the day of his word. It can be certain passages of scripture or it can be songs, or it can be something someone else shared with you with God’s influence on it. It is really a beautiful thing. I remember a heavy season in my life of what seemed nothing was going right. In truth, things were going right in all areas of my life except in one or two areas that I could not figure out why things transpired the way that they did. It occurred to me that sometimes God allows us to go through things so we can see the reality of life. This means although we may do things in the right spirit and heart, some things we will never experience unless we go through some hard times.

Hard times prepare us for the next level of our life. Depending on how we handle those hard times, God will promote us to the next level in our life. As I was exiting this heavy season in my life, God sent a song to my heart in the middle of the night, “The storm is passing over.” Then He sent me the above message about Daniel how he will deliver me just like he delivered Daniel out of this heavy season to the next level of my destination. Love & Blessings!

God’s Anger

I love how throughout the Bible God gives us insight on how He works with his people. For example, Joshua:23 tells us God provided rest for His people. He gave Israel this rest because He gave them the supernatural strength to defeat the enemies that stood in their way of possessing the land God had given them.

We read in the previous blog, how God allowed them to defeat numerous kings and their kingdoms. In verse 6 of Chapter 23, we see God is asking them to be courageous to keep and do all the things Moses wrote in the book of the law not turning to the right or left. Today, God continues to expect us to be courageous in our journey with Him. Although, Jesus has come to bear our sins, we still should have a heart, a courageous heart to not willfully sin before God.  This is the importance of our intimate relationship with God. He knows our heart. He knows the difference between lip-service to Him and heart-service to Him (Isaiah 29:13, Matthew 15:8).

Joshua: 23 goes on further to tell us about God’s passion for His people and he urges them not to go back to their old ways. He then warns them if they do, He will no longer protect them, cover them, and bring evil things to them until it destroys them (v. 15). Whoa! The chapter ends in verse 16 with God’s anger being kindled against them if they turn from Him and tells them they will perish!

Deuteronomy 4:24 characterized God as a consuming fire and jealous. One of the reasons God’s anger is so strong is because He hates sin. Why? Because yes, sin destroy us, and that angers God. This is how deeply He loves us.  It starts with our pride and thinking we know better than God. From there, we start doing our own thing like the children of Israel and everything goes downhill from there.  We see it time and time again throughout the Bible. The same thing happened to Satan and he became separated from God eternally. We always talk about a God of love, but we serve a God of anger. This is just one example the Bible warns about what sin does to us. Bottom line is it separates us from God. It removes God’s promises from our lives. So, God will fight for us. He will fight our battles, He will give us rest, but He will also turn against us, if we turn from him…Take heed. Love & Blessings!