Sometimes God May Cause You to Go to the Dungeon, For His Sake.

Raise your hand if you will agree to go the dungeon to be used by God.
Basically, this is what is happening to Jeremiah in Chapter 38. Now grant it,
most of us do not want to face any hardships, right? Jesus asks the Lord three
times if he can pass the bitter cup of going to the cross. However, Jesus
yields, but not my will, but thine be done.

So we see God often using us to do His heavy lifting. Historically, God is warning, harkening, and heeding His people. Above all, God will not be mocked. Certainly, when you are radically changed and transformed and your heart is bending toward God and Jesus, you are destined to do it. First, we read how Jeremiah is in despairing because the people are making fun of him and not listening. Next, he is declaring he is at a point he cannot stop saying God’s words. Further, Jeremiah likens it as like a fire in his soul.

Jesus went to the cross. Paul and Silas were sent to jail. John the Baptist
was sent to a dungeon and lost his head. Peter was crucified upside down.
Stephen was stoned to death. Moses was sent to the dessert. Unmistakably, we
all want blessings. Invariably, blessings res the good side of life!
Strikingly, the question is are we willing to go all the way with the Lord,
even if it means we are sent to the dungeon, or anything resembling or
symbolizing a dungeon, for our Lord?

These are real men and women of the Bible. Similarly, flesh and blood like
you and I. Undoubtedly, they have fears to conquer on many levels. Yet, we see
them relying on God. They are focusing on God to give them the strength to make it through. It may not always be pretty or look pretty on this side of heaven, but our God is always with us every step of the way… Be encouraged. 
Love & Blessings!