Blanket Drive!

On behalf of Where Is God Now Ministries and We Care Center, we thank you for your blanket donations. We are certain the people receiving your blankets will be thankful and appreciative.  

Blankets are symbolic. They represent warmth, comfort, and friendship. In the Bible, the blanket represents refuge and protection. You have represented all of this and more… You are the hands and feet of Jesus on the Earth!

Thank you for your love and support.

Love & Blessings!


Happy New Year! Winter is here! Needless to say, it may be cold inside some homes and shelters in many communities. Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc. is partnering with the We Care Center to donate blankets to those who are in need at the Center.

We are collecting gently used and new blankets. To commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King’s Day of Service, we will collect the blanket(s) on Sunday, January 14 and Monday, January 15. Let me know if you would like me to pick-up your blankets. Or, you are more than welcome to drop your blanket(s) off at my garage door.

Your blankets will warm the bodies of those who receive them. Additionally, it will warm theirs and God’s heart. You are the hands and feet of Jesus on the Earth!

Thank you for your love and support.

Please share with whomever…

Love & Blessings!
