Been With Jesus?

Acts 4:13 talks about the courage and boldness Peter and John had after they spent time with Jesus. In the same way, do you have the similar experience after you have spent time with Jesus? Jesus is infectious! We should strive to be like him. As a result, we should shine our lights bright so that men may see.

Jesus said in Mathews 5:16 that our light should shine. How do we shine our light? By allowing the Spirit to move us to do good works to glorify our Father in heaven. It is our main purpose on the Earth to glorify God. Further, this is what pleases the Father.

So, we should have hearts that want to please the Father. The Lord will anoint us to do His will when we open ourselves to Him. The anointing will give us the ease and desire to do the Father’s work on the Earth. This is what Jesus did while He walked the Earth. We should do the same. Love & Blessings!