Vulnerability With Christ

Jesus has called us to be vulnerable yet wise. Jesus said I am sending you out like sheep among wolves (Matthew 10:16). This tells us Jesus knew the world was wild and crazy and filled with many temptations. Nevertheless, as it was in Biblical times, so it is today. There is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Unequivocally, here lies the foundation of our faith.

This vulnerability is uncomfortable at times. I know when I go out and interact in the world standing up for Jesus, sometimes the world looks at me in wonderment. That’s because in the supernatural there is WONDERMENT and MYSTERY! It is where our belief lies. Believing that God can do ALL things (Luke 1:37, Philippians 4:13) ushers you into the supernatural. In the natural we want to try and figure everything out. However, that is not faith. Faith is believing God can do anything and leaving the rest up to Him to work it out how He deems fit.

Equally important, sometimes vulnerability with Christ is fun and adventurous. Undoubtedly, this is where I enjoy my relationship with God the most. Already believing He can do ANYTHING; it causes me to live with EXPECTANCY each day. I look for Him in the smallest and largest things in life. This vulnerability is part of the abundant, victorious life God has promised us. Embrace and enjoy it right now! Love & Blessings!

ODU Cybersecurity

Last fall, Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc. was one of two businesses selected by Old Dominion University’s School of Cybersecurity to participate in a Cybersecurity Internship Clinic. Thursday was the culmination of the program. Alarmingly, fraud and scams are on the rise. Consequently, the university saw a need to offer this service to the business community. Additionally, it gives their students the necessary skills and real-world experience to become efficient in their field.

A team is assigned to each business. Constructively, they conduct a comprehensive risk assessment with a particular focus on cybersecurity vulnerabilities and threats. As a result, their analysis provides insight into potential risks facing your organization. Further, they offer recommendations to enhance its security posture. As we are building the infrastructure for Where Is God Now Ministries, this information is invaluable and FREE!

Amazingly, this is a testament of how God will put together the pieces you need in your life. Invariably, He will orchestrate things for the work He has called you to do for Him to move forward in His name… Amen!

If you know any business, as they work with ALL industries, interested in this service, please share my information and I will connect them to the officials at ODU’s School of Cybersecurity. Love & Blessings!

Jail Ministry: Radical Revelation!

During one of my visits at the jail and listening to the ladies, the Holy Spirit said to me, the ladies have been set free from their drug addiction! Unknowingly to them, their sobriety started when they were locked up in jail! How radical is that!? I shared it with the ladies. I told them they did not have to wait when they were released from jail to begin their sobriety. Their sobriety starts NOW… Walk In It!

I explained to the ladies their sobriety will look different for each of them. Some will walk away from it freely. Others will have to manage it through support groups. And some will have the struggles and urges to deal with. The difference is with Jesus. Invariably, He is our HELP! We cry out to him, call on him, whisper to him, every day, throughout the day, moment by moment, when we need Him. All of our help comes from the Lord. (Psalm 121) Radical?

Jesus was radical when He walked the Earth. In the natural, most of what He did and said did not make sense. For example, asking us to love your enemies (Luke 6: 27-38, Matthew 5:44-46). In the natural we think, I cannot do that, how am I supposed to do that? Precisely. We know in the natural many of the things Jesus asked us to do, we cannot do it in our own strength. It is precisely why He is our Lord and Savior.  “… without me you can do NOTHING.”  (John 15:5).

I LOVE Jesus! Earnestly, when you think of ALL that He did for US, we fall in love with Him. We submit and yield to Him as Lord and Master. Undoubtedly, that is not to say we become perfect and do everything right. Assuredly, we DO NOT. However, through the POWER and STRENGTH… the SUPERNATURAL, He helps us through all things. It is humbling when we experience it. Amen!

Opioid Addiction II

Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc. is postponing the training scheduled for April 15. We are partnering and combining our efforts with Chesapeake Integrated Behavioral Healthcare Prevention Services and will have the training on May 7 at the Chesapeake Central Library, 298 Cedar Road, from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Are you:

  • Wanting to become a REVIVE! Lay Rescuer Trainer?
  • Interested in learning how to save live?
  • Working in a setting where opioid overdoses occur?
  • A friend or family member of someone who currently uses opioids?
  • Abstinent from opioid use, but have used in the past?
  • Currently using opioids such as heroin, fentanyl, or prescription pain medications?

If so, then consider attending this REVIVE! Lay Rescuer Training. This training covers understanding opioids, how opioid overdoses happen, risk factors for opioids overdoses, and how to respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of Naloxone.

Please click or copy and paste this link to register:

Please share with whomever…

Thank you for you love and support.

Love & Blessings!


Jesus, My Lord!

Happy Easter… Jesus Is Risen! We know Him as a Savior because of this fact. He is our covering before God. When God looks at us He sees ALL of what His Son died and did for us. It boggles the mind when you think about it.

A step beyond Jesus being our Savior, He is our Lord. With Jesus as our Savior, we accept His free gift of salvation. With Jesus as our Lord, we have to humble ourselves before Him. We have to humble ourselves to be more like Him. It is a supernatural exchange that takes place because you are allowing Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, to do His work in and through YOU!

Let us not gloss over everything that Jesus did for us. Some people see it as I am not going to hell when I die. However, it is profoundly more than that. It is transforming our hearts, minds and souls allowing Him in as Lord of our lives. That means He is the boss over my life and not me. Amen. Love & Blessings!


Where Is God Now Deer Rabbit & Squirrel Repellent is now available for purchase online! Go to to make your purchase! We have also lowered the price to $14 plus tax AND no local shipping costs at this time… I will still deliver to you! We have already had purchases online… It WORKS! Anything above the purchase amount is a tac deduction, too!

When I say God is a problem solver, He is, if we take our problems to Him. So, I did not know how to start an e-commerce shop online… I am not technology friendly, but I do what I have to do. Including, everything you see on my website. God led and guided me through the process of building a website and NOW inserting an e-commerce shop! The wonder of it all is God LOVES being involved in the details of our lives, if we let Him… It’s a BEAUTIFUL THING!

Thank you for your love and support.

Please share with whomever…

Love & Blessings!


Opioid Addiction

Opioid addiction is insidious. Opioid overdose has taken countless lives of Virginians, people in our country and across the world. Opioids are a class of drugs including heroin, synthetic, and prescription pain medication including codeine, oxycodone, fentanyl, to name a few. In part, Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc. mission and community outreach is working with populations such as those re-entering society after being in jail/prison, homelessness, and those who are struggling in other areas of life, in general. Because of these concerns and needs, I became a Trainer for Lay Rescuers.

April 15, at 10 a.m., I will be having a training at my home to provide information about the understanding of opioids, how opioid overdoses happen, risk factors for opioid overdoses, and how to respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of Naloxone. We will train on the use of the Narcan nasal spray. The training is 1 -1.5 hours. Please email your name, address and phone number, if you are interested in this training. Seats are limited.

If this date is not good for you and you are interested in this training, send me your name and let me know as I will be conducting future trainings. Additionally, if you would like me to come to your group or organization to conduct this free training, please schedule with me for a date.

These events are extending the hands, mouth, and feet of Jesus on the Earth!

Please share with whomever…

Thank you for your love and support.

Love & Blessings!


Taking On The Mind Of Christ

Easter is fast approaching. It is when our Lord and Savior laid down His life for us. Miraculously, three days later, just like He said, He rose from the grave with ALL power in His hands. Additionally, He set us free from a life of sin (Romans 6:18).

The Bible says we should take on the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). As a result, what is taking on the mind of Christ? It is thinking like Christ. We should be thinking on spiritual things and not earthly things. Philippians 4:8 says we should think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and good report, if it be of any virtue or praise, these are the things we should be thinking on. All else is rubbish and does not feed us spiritually.

Romans 12:2-3 tells us to renew our minds and do not conform to this world. I like to say we need to do this daily because we live in a fleshly body. It is prone to wonder from the things of God. It is good for us to know we should think like Christ because it keeps us on the right track of life. Love & Blessings!

It’s Here!

Where is God Now Deer, Rabbit & Squirrel Repellent is here! This is MARVELOUS! This is a testament on how God will take a dream or creation and bring it into existence… to life! Certainly, I am thrilled and I am sure you will be thrilled, too, especially if you are having problems with deer, rabbits, and squirrels.

This is also a testament to how God is our problem solver. He asked me to start a ministry with no money and I was having problems with these critters in my yard. Unflinchingly, I took both problems to Him and He solved them for me. I tell people all the time God is not a respecter of persons. If He did it for the people in the Bible and He did it for me, He will do it for YOU! HE IS THE SAME GOD!

If you would like a bottle of this fabulous repellent it is $15 a bottle. All profits go back into the ministry. Anything above $15 is a tax deduction, a charitable donation! The QR code on the label is to be scanned to leave a review of the product which takes you directly to the review page at The back label has the story of how the repellent came into existence. Attached is an order form for you and your family and friends. Or, simply send me an email with your order.

Thank you for your love and support.

Please share with whomever…

Love & Blessings!



Work is good for us. Undoubtedly, it gives us a sense of meaning and purpose. It gives us a sense of accomplishment. Working provides for our needs and wants. We need WORK!

Realistically, some work is hard. Some work is easy. Work can also be fun, too! However, our biggest takeaway about work is, we do it as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23-24).

Working unto the Lord puts everything in perspective. Since we are ambassadors of Jesus, representing Him on the Earth, we should be reflecting Christ even in our work. God is our BOSS. So, no matter what is happening, good, bad, or indifferent in our work and work spaces, we do our WORK to God! Love & Blessings!