A Kiss From God: God’s Encouragement To Us!

Everyone has challenges in their lives. Some challenges are bigger than others. For those of us who are Christians, we lean and depend on God for everything. When God sends you on an assignment and things are not going as you plan, we wonder, God where are you!

I contend God speaks to us every day. It is up to us if we are paying attention to Him. Many times when God sends us on an assignment it never rolls out how we imagine. This is when we have to let go of our expectations of how we think things are going to happen. Invariably, we have to let God take the reigns to lead and guide us through.

God promised never to leave or forsake us. So, when I ask the question or wonder, God, where are you, I know that He is with me. My question goes deeper, in wanting to know am I on the right track. Did I understand the assignment you gave me?

I believe we all can agree. There is nothing like spending time on a project or assignment only to find out you did it wrong. As I move forward with God, I already know I want to please Him. I also want to know I am understanding Him correctly. Sometimes we need His reassurance. It helps us know we are pleasing to Him. It also confirms we are getting our assignment right.

My reassurance came in a kiss from God, today! Autumn is here. It is that time of the year I like to plant pansies. I went to the local big box hardware stores. God decided He was going to double surprise me! When I got to the register, the pansies I selected were on sale! They were not on clearance or on sale. No sign was up to show such.

Then, I had an old e-gift card that had $7.63 on it. I figured I would use it to supplement my purchase. Once the cashier rang up my purchase, it came to exactly $7.63! I had to ask her twice how much was it? I told her my e-gift card was for that exact amount, if there is anything still on it. Sure enough, that was the exact amount on the e-card!

So, let’s sum this up. I got 32 pansy plants, more than what I expected. Additionally, they were way less expensive than what I had expected to pay for them. It was even the best deal from the two stores I shopped. It is God showing His exceedingly, abundantly more than what we can imagine or think (Ephesians 3:20). God sent me a kiss! He reminded me that I am on the right track. He also reminded me how much He loves me… BEAUTIFUL! Amen! Love & Blessings!

Waiting On God: God Speaks To Our Spirits First Before It Is Seen In The Natural

The Bible says without faith it is impossible to please the Lord (Hebrews 11:6)). As Christians shouldn’t we want to please the Lord? When we make it a practice to obey God it becomes more natural to embrace what He tells us. We do not understand it fully at the time, but by faith we step out on His word.

Oftentimes, we give up on God too soon. We hear something in our Spirit. If it does not manifest when we expect, we lose faith. We give up on what God has told us. Imagine if Noah had given up on building the ark. Some say it took Noah 120 years to build it! Abraham and Sarah were way past child-bearing years when God told them they would have a child. That situation got a little messy. They decided they would help God out. Impatiently, they determined to do things their way. It was because it did not happen when they expected. Nevertheless, God still blessed them with Isaac.

When we know the spirit and voice of God, we trust him. It may not always look exactly how we think it is going to look. Many times it does not happen in the time frame we expect it to happen. Unequivocally, suddenly or gradually, it comes to past!

I believe it saddens God when His children do not trust and believe in Him. We want the abundant, victorious life He has promised us, only to settle and compromise for what we can get. Notice I said, what we can get. We do it our way, in our own strength. Disobediently not relying on God to do it for us or show us how to do it.

God sees our heart. The Bible says He is a rewarder to them who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6) Do not give up on God. Wait on Him (Isaiah 40:31). Trust that He has the BEST plan for you and your life. When God speaks to your spirit, know He is observing your heart. If you are diligently seeking Him, He will BLESS you beyond your expectations! (Ephesians 3:20) Love & Blessings!

God’s Vessels: The Hands, Mouth, and Feet of Jesus on the Earth!

Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc. completed a shoe drive in August. Donors and supporters of the ministry became the hands, mouth, and feet of Jesus on the Earth with their shoe donations. Recently, the ministry was part of a job/resource fair for justice-involved individuals and the community at large. Those shoes were made available as a resource. Additionally, we provided two types of audio devices made available with our partnership with In Touch Ministries, the teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley. Please enjoy the smiles of God on the many faces that were being blessed by Him that day! Love & Blessings!

Keep It Set: The Mind Of The Spirit

The mind of the flesh is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit. Take the time to meditate on that. Jesus came on the Earth with a Spiritual message. It is why many, then and today, have such a difficult time understanding what He was saying. Thus, when we use the mind of the flesh a lot of what He said does not make sense.

The flesh always wants to reason and figure everything out. The things of God sometimes does not make sense. Just read all of the miracles in the Bible. We can’t figure it out. Some of it does not make sense to our minds. That is why He is God. Moreover, He is the MOST High God. The other cultures and kingdoms during that day had their gods. However, they were idol gods. Their gods can not out do our God. There is no rival or equal to Him (Nahum 1: 2-15, Isaiah 40: 12-31, 46:5, Psalm 86: 8-10))

When Jesus left the Earth He said it would be best for us if He left us. This was because He was leaving the Holy Spirit (John 16:7). The Holy Spirit leads us into ALL truth (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit gives us promptings and knowings in our inner man, our spirit. There is an abundant, victorious life and peace when we set our minds on the Spirit (Romans 8:6). Love & Blessings!

Remember The Goodness Of The Lord: What Are Your Memorial Stones?

God is GOOD! He has been better to us than we have been to ourselves. He has shown Himself in our lives over and over and over again. Yet, if we do not remember those experiences, Satan is set to kill, steal and destroy them.

In the Old Testament, God required the Israelite to recall the many blessings He had bestowed upon them (Joshua 4:1-24). Why? Because God knows we are fragile. Satan will come and attack us through negativity. Satan will have us to dwell on our failures and faults. To pull us into depression and despair. Next thing we know we will forget ALL what God has done for us.

Paul says we have to stir up our faith (2 Timothy 1:6). That means we have to think on the goodness of the Lord. Further, we have to put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). Moreover, we offer sacrifices of praise and worship to our God (Hebrews 13:15). The Bible tells us we have to renew our minds daily (Romans 12:2). These are just some examples of how we stir up our faith.

My memorial stones are many. I love talking about how good God has been to me. I remember as a child crossing a busy street with heavy traffic going both ways. My friends and I tried crossing the street one by one. When it was my turn a car was about to hit me. I remember turning my body. I was facing the front of the car. Instinctively, I outstretched my hands touching the hood of the car to stop it. The car stopped! With my child’s mind I thanked God and continued to run to the other side of the street.

The Bible says God protects us from danger seen and unseen (Psalm 121:5-8, Psalm 91:3-16). My memorial stones go back as far as my childhood to today. It is beautiful when you can recall over and over again what God a has done for you. What are your memorial stones? Feel free to share. Love & Blessings!

Seeking and Finding God: His Ever Presence In Our Lives


Seek God and you will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). This is what the Bible says. God’s word is true. When people have problems finding God in their lives, it is because they moved. The farther we get away from God the more difficult for us to sense His presence in our lives. It is becomes difficult seeing Him moving in situations and circumstances in our lives. Moreover, our flesh does not like to hear that because pride will tell us I am good. I do my best in helping others. We question why things are not turning out the way we want. We think why are my prayers not being answered. We forget we are ever a work in progress; thus, we never reach a point of arrival. Subsequently, God always has something more to teach us.

It is frustrating when we believe we are giving God our best. Yet, He does not respond the way we want Him to. I remember going through that phase in my life. I became angry with God. I wanted to know what He wanted from me. I was giving Him my best. I gradually realized as God was teaching me, He wanted ALL of me. He wanted my heart, mind, and soul (Mathew 22:37). I had heard and read this scripture over a dozen times in my Christian walk. Yet, I discovered I was just glossing over the words that Jesus said. It is often said, when Jesus speaks, we need to pay attention. His words are represented by the red words in the Bible. We must take heed.

As my faith grew, I started surrendering myself more and more to God. I started seeing Him more and more in my life. As a result, I fell in love with Jesus. I desired to be more and more like Him, as the Bible says (Romans 8:29). The frustration and anger had turned into love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness, patience, self-control, faithfulness, and goodness (Galatians 5:22-23). I exercise these fruit in my life. Beautifully, it is when I am putting them into action, I can feel the Holy Spirit helping me. This is proof of God’s living Spirit. The Spirit dwells within each of His children (1 Corinthians 3:16, John 14:16, 2 Timothy 1:14, James 4:5 Ephesians1:13).

We do not have to question where is God. He does not hide from us. He already told us He would never leave nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). Clearly, the problem is with us and not with Him. So, draw nigh unto God and He will draw nigh unto you (James 4:8). Amen. Love & Blessings!

Our First Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc.!

Join me in celebrating Where Is God Now Ministry, Inc. first year anniversary of being a 501c3, nonprofit! God has been FAITHFUL! I often say if you are faithful to God He will be faithful to YOU! As you know, this ministry is God’s ministry. We are just the vessels who are his hands, mouth, and feet on the Earth! This includes YOU, too! We thank you for all of your donations, support, and encouragement on this journey with Him.

We thank businesses and organizations like PF Harris Manufacturing and Christian Broadcasting Network for their support on many levels. We are now announcing our partnership with In Touch Ministries, the teaching ministry of the late Dr. Charles Stanley.

It amazes me to watch God orchestrate and move in Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc. Dr. Stanley was an instrumental and influential figure in my life. When I was young, I was seeking God. I was trying to figure out how to navigate life with God leading the way. Who knew that God would have us partner together to move His word forward? Undoubtedly, God knew!

Hearing Dr. Stanley repeatedly say in his teachings, “Obey God and leave the consequences to Him.” was something I believed and took to heart. I am here to say, it works! This is why I now say, “You keep your eyes on God. He will get you where you need to be!” This is TRUE! Again, if you are FAITHFUL to God He will be FAITHFUL to YOU!

It is with this partnership with In Touch Ministries, Where Is God Now Ministries is offering Pathway. It is an audio device in English or Spanish. It has Dr. Stanley’s inspirational and encouraging sermons. It also includes New and Old Testament Scripture readings. This is no expense to you. Please send me an email if you would like this device and how many. I will be taking photos when I deliver the devices to you so I may share with In Touch Ministries the impact of Pathway. Additionally, the photos will be on Where is God Now Ministries website and social media.

Jeremiah 29:11 proclaims the plans God has for our lives. He also has these plans for His ministries on the Earth, too. Where Is God Now Ministries is excited about these plans. We look forward to sharing with you the MORE God has for this ministry.

Subscribe to our website to receive our weekly encouraging and inspirational blogs in your inbox. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to the ministry, please click the link to https://whereisgodnow.org/. You can also copy and paste the link to your browser. On the right side of the page click “Subscribe” scroll down and click “Donate.” Or, mail a check to 730 River Strand, Chesapeake, Virginia 23320. Further, if you want to volunteer on any level, please let me know. We would love to have you join God’s journey with this ministry!

Thank you for your love & support…

Love & Blessings!


Humility Is Always Best: God Opposes The Proud

Humility is something we should always seek. 1 Peter 5:5 admonishes us to clothe ourselves in it. God gives grace to those who are humble. How comforting is that? Yet, so often we walk around thinking how WE are this or that. Invariably, we forget we can do nothing without God’s help.

When we walk around with humility we rightfully put God in the place He should be in our life. So, when we are constantly looking unto God for EVERYTHING we are in a safe place. It is difficult for us to forget that He is our creator and maker.

God opposes pride because pride hurts us in the long run. It is why Satan was kicked out of heaven because he got full of himself. When we get full of ourselves, we sometimes put our foot in our mouths. We do some other foolish things and later regret our actions.

God tries to save us from all of that, if we let Him. We have to remember we serve a loving God that would never steer us in the wrong direction. We may not understand when the hurts and pains come when He allows it and sometimes orchestrate them.

Moreover, we read over and over in the Bible God always has a bigger plan than what we can imagine. It is why we have to learn more and more to trust Him. Humble thyself under the mighty hand of our God, that He may exalt you in due time (1 Peter 5:6). Love & Blessings!

Celebrating Another Jail Ministry Graduation

We recently celebrated another jail ministry graduation. This is the 6th graduation the Chesapeake Jail Ministry has had for the women inmates. It is truly a milestone for these ladies. It propels them forward into the plan God has for each of their lives. Please continue to pray for them. They need to seek God on a daily basis. This will help them as we all must do.

As I go to minister to the ladies, God is revealing many things to me. Where Is God Now Ministries is the hands, mouth, and feet of Jesus on the Earth. God has shown me the needs of the inmates. He wants our ministry to fulfill these needs. It is clear the inmates need holistic centers that will address their various needs. God is laying out the plans. Where Is God Now Ministries is to execute them. In the coming months we will share more.

As many start the program, only a few actually finish it for various reasons. Some are being transferred to other facilities. Some are being released back into society. Unfortunately, some are sent back into the regular jail population. They committed violations that would not let them stay in the program. As we know Satan’s influence is everywhere, even in the jails and prisons. He is nonstop.

For now, join me in congratulating the ladies who graduated from the cohort through your thoughts and prayers for them. Additionally, we have started a new cohort with many excited ladies happy to be in the Nurture Block program. I know many of you have been praying for these ladies. It is what they need most in their incarceration.

My constant advice to them and anyone else in life is keep your eyes on God. He will get you where you need to be… It is TRUE! God already knows the plans He has for our individual lives. If we cooperate with Him, He will get us where we need to be. Amen! Love & Blessings!