
God has called us to be generous givers! Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).  2 Corinthians 9:7 tells us God loveth a cheerful giver. God has never asked us to do things that will hurt us. EVERYTHING He has asked us to do is for our GOOD! So, generosity brings us joy! This is one of the reasons why God has asked us to do it. This is found in the spirit world. We are asked to walk in the spirt to obtain the victorious, abundant life God has promised us! In 2022, for those of you who love to give on your birthday to your favorite charity, nonprofit, etc. on Facebook/Meta, we are going to give up to four $25 donations each month throughout the year! You can go to under Events, It’s Your Birthday 2022! or my Facebook page to get more details. God does not need our money or our stuff; He just wants our hearts to get His work done on the earth. We are His vessels. So, JOY means Jesus, Others, and You. It is not always about money. It may be your time, talent, treasure or testimony to others. As we head into the holiday seasons, pray and ask God how you can bless others so you may be blessed. Love & Blessings!   

Bless The Lord!

Where Is God!? Feeling low? A little anxious? Nervous? BLESS THE LORD! Yes, BLESS THE LORD! Give God a SACRIFICE of your PRAISE to Him! Yes, even when you do not feel like it! Use praise and worship in music, words or deeds to help yourself and others. Use scriptures such as Psalms to help you. Use your lips to tell God how you feel AND then Bless God by telling Him… You will take what the enemy meant for evil and you will turn it for GOOD. Perform a random act of kindness to a stranger or loved one… There is POWER in our Praise! This HIDDEN GEM is something Satan does not want you to know or realize. It is the ultimate spiritual warfare against the enemy. It confuses and befuddles the enemy. We see this in the story of Gideon. The army coming to fight the Israelite, the Midianites, God confused them and they started fighting and killing themselves! This is why we will bless the Lord at all times and His praise will continually be in our mouths! It crushes the enemy, it blesses our souls and spirits, and it magnifies and glorifies our God who DESERVES it. Bless and Praise the Lord EVERY DAY throughout the day. Love & Blessing!

Let Go and Let God

Where Is God!? How many times have you prayed and given God your situation and later found your hands dabbling in something you supposedly gave to God? I have countless times to my frustration! However, I learned the SECRET. When we are trying to manipulate and fix things ourselves, God takes His hands off of that situation. Why? Because we are showing Him, we do not TRUST Him and we think we know what is best for us instead of Him! So, we sometimes find ourselves like the children of Israel going around mountains over and over again we were not meant to circle. We exhaust ourselves and most of us realize God I cannot do this… I need your HELP! There are often many lessons to be learned in our situations. I have also found if we don’t learn the lessons God is trying to teach us, He will allow another situation, person, place, or thing, to help us learn the lessons we need to know… Let Go and Let God. Love & Blessings!

Stay Focused On Jesus

Where Is God!? Remember the story of Peter walking on the water with Jesus? What an AWESOME example of what we can do when we keep our focus on Jesus! In the storms of life, WE sometimes try to figure out how to get out of a storm or on the other side. We panic and sometimes we sink with anxiety, depression, heartache, hurt, and pain. Yet, Jesus has clearly asked us to keep our focus on Him! Allow Him to CALM the storm in your spirit. He will ALWAYS see us through to the other side, IF we keep our focus on Him. Love & Blessings! 


Halloween invites evil in some people, places and things. What fights off evil? The name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Acts 19: 13 -17 describes how Jewish magicians and those practicing witchcraft were going about casting demons out of people. This was profitable for them. They would interject by the Jesus that Paul proclaims in their exorcisms. On this occasion, a man whom they tried to exorcise, challenged the Jewish men and said, Jesus I know, Paul I know, but who are you? (LOL!) The demon recognized these were not Holy men, but imposters trying to use Christ’s name to make a buck. This demon possessed man tore into these men rendering them naked and bleeding. We need more than a surface faith; otherwise, Satan will tear into us. And we do not want to invite evil into our lives on Halloween or any other day! Be careful about what you do and speak. Even when we accept Jesus as a Savior, we need Him as our Lord to help us fight against the evil spirits in this world. Without Him as Lord, we lead defeated Christian lives and not the abundant, victorious life God has promised us… Love & Blessings!  


Rejection is never pretty. No one likes it. In the book, Where Is God!? Blessed Are The Pure In Heart For They Shall See God, it describes how being a Christian is not always pretty and wrapped with a beautiful bow! Sometimes it is hurtful, painful, embarrassing, and humiliating. These are the exact same experiences and feelings Jesus encountered on the Earth. It is how He knows what we go through in life. When we experience the supernatural power of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as the Lord of our lives, we will in turn be able to identify and know what it is to suffer for Christ’s sake. This is deep because these are the deeper things of God. Our faith is more than a surface faith, but a faith of an intimate relationship with the Trinity. It is also the faith that God promises the abundant, victorious life, too! We should grow through the pain of rejection. There are many treasures to be gained… Look for them! Ask, “Lord, what do you want me to learn from this?!” Don’t waste the pain of rejection. Love & Blessings!

Trusting God In The Process

The image above says a mouthful! Our walk with God is a life long journey with many twists and turns and things we may not understand. The key is to TRUST God! No matter what it looks like, what it feels like, whether we are comfortable or uncomfortable, we are to TRUST God. To have a faith like Stephen where we see him trusting God as he is being stoned to death because of his faith. Or having the faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who stood boldly before King Nebuchadnezzar and refused to bow before him. As a consequence, they were thrown into the fiery furnace. These are wonderful examples of God’s supernatural strength He gives us in the twists and turns of our journey. Sometimes we get stones thrown at us and thrown into the fiery furnace of life designed to destroy our faith. However, no matter what happens in life, TRUST that God does know what He is doing in our lives. We don’t have to try and figure everything out… That is one of Satan’s traps. We just TRUST God in the process and He will lead and guide us where He wants us to be! Love & Blessings!

Wishy Washy

Don’t be wishy washy with God. He wants our hearts and deserves our commitment and dedication to Him. In the book, Where Is God!? Blessed Are The Pure In Heart For They Shall See God, page 10 talks about how we should be reflecting Christ to others with our lives. We do this by crucifying our flesh daily. It is not always easy because that crucifixion of the flesh hurts. Our egos can’t take it! But, the more we yield the more it becomes easier for us to do things God’s way and not our way… Remember God is our help and he gives us supernatural strength to do the things He has asked us to do. Because we LOVE Him we want to give Him our all… Don’t be wishy washy with God. Love & Blessings!