Happy New Year! New year, new beginnings! This pandemic has been striking across the world in that it has touch EVERY part of the world… That’s a God thing! I believe God has been moving on the Earth sending out messages individually and collectively… It is a time for us to take heed! I believe God speaks to us every day; it’s up to us if we are paying attention to Him. Have you been paying attention to what God has been saying to YOU during this world pandemic that we are still in? As I reflected on 2021, I witnessed God usher me into an early retirement in this pandemic! What a marvelous BLESSING! He has since whispered to me twice to enjoy my retirement, which I intend to do! New beginnings! Behold, I do a new thing (Isaiah 43:19). God has also shown me people, places, and things, that will no longer be in my life in the new year. God was revealing these things to me throughout the year… New Year, new beginnings. Some of them are bittersweet, but God has impressed upon me I must not look back, but move forward. What has God been telling you and showing you in your life that needs to change? New beginnings. Because God loves us our lives are not static. They were not designed to stay the same. We serve an active, living God who is progressive and moving and working in the world every day, including in our lives, our loved one’s lives and people we don’t even know. I encourage you to incline your ear and take heed to God. Open your heart to what He is saying to YOU! This will probably include the good and the bad. So do not shrink from the bad because they are the keys to our blessings, too. Remember, ALL things work together for GOOD for those who love the Lord (Romans 8:28). I must admit when God started showing me the people, places, and things that will not be with me in the new year as part of my new beginning, I was a little sad, but I also realized in order for me to be where God needs me to be as His hands, mouth, and feet on the Earth, I have to surrender to His will for my life and not my will. It is the lifestyle we live as Christians. What is your new beginning in the new year? God is speaking… Just ask and He will reveal His will for you in 2022. Love & Blessings!
Author: mossgjo
Happy Birthday, Jesus!
Happy Birthday, Jesus! The King of Kings and Lord and Lords! Philippians 2:10-11 reminds us that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. I have often pondered on that scripture. It is a powerful and supernatural statement. There will come a time in EVERYONE’S life who has ever lived on this Earth whose tongue will confess, believers and unbelievers, that Jesus Christ is Lord! We so often think we are in control of so many things in our lives wherein here God asserts His authority to remind us EVERY knee and EVERY tongue will confess that Jesus, God’s precious Son, is Lord. If you have ever had an encounter with our Father, God, you will understand how this can be. When Moses asked to see God’s glory, God told Moses, Exodus 33: 18-20, that his glory was so great that to see his face man could not live. So, God’s glory passed by Moses, which still was great and life changing for Moses. I once asked God the privilege of feeling His presence. The experience was so GREAT that I could not contain myself. I recall it being the most BEAUTIFUL experience I have ever had on Earth! I recognized it as supernatural experience with the Father. So, when we think of our precious Jesus on Christmas, we recognize His birth, remember there will come a day in EVERYONE’S life, living and resurrected, will acknowledge that Jesus is Lord! That is how POWERFUL the presence of our Lord Jesus will be… Oh, what a day! Love & Blessings!
Biblical Clarity
Where Is God!? Recently, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me to reread the Gospels. Initially, I was going to just read the red words of Jesus. However, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me to read EVERYTHING in context. Boy, am I glad I did that! I got a deeper, richer meaning of what I was reading and what was going on during the time the authors were writing. Once I completed the Gospels the Holy Spirit impressed upon me to continue my reading of the New Testament. What a stark difference of the disciples when they had Jesus with them and once Jesus was resurrected and the Holy Spirit descended upon them. I am finding myself literally laughing out loud as I am reading some passages in the Bible… It makes for fascinating reading! Truly you can see in the Gospels the difficulty the disciples had understanding everything Jesus shared with them in some cases repetitively. The disciples even admitted to Jesus in some cases they did not understand what he was saying. Jesus even knew the disciples were having a difficult time grasping everything He shared. The big AHA moment came when Jesus was resurrected, came back to them and continued to perform more miracles, signs, and wonders until He ascended into Heaven. Then the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples and they had the boldness, authority, and power to perform miracles, signs, and wonders, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth… FINALLY, CLARITY for the disciples who now understood the overwhelming things Jesus shared with them! It is truly a WOW to read and see in your Holy imagination the connection and transformation of these Holy men who truly grew to love Jesus! Love & Blessings!
There is ENERGY in GRATITUDE! It uplifts our spirit and makes God SMILE. The Lord hates complainers. It is what kept the children of Israel out of the Promise Land. After they were in bondage for over 400 years, they were finally set free! But because the road to the Promise Land was not what they imagined, they started complaining and even asked to return to where that had come… BONDAGE. It was like throwing back into God’s face what he had done for them… It lacked GRATITUDE. Nothing in life is perfect. However, make it a practice, a lifestyle in life to thank God throughout the day for everything He does for you. You can start with the basics such as being able to breathe, for God is every breath we take! How about food, clothing, and shelter? I was taught if God sees He can TRUST you with the little blessings He will TRUST you with bigger blessings… and learn to count your blessings, too! Remember Satan tries to steal, kill, and destroy EVERYTHING God has done for us… Remember GRATITUDE. Love & Blessings!
When you have a harsh spirit coming against you, please know it is not the spirit of God. Our God convicts us when we sin, but He does not condemn us. Condemnation is from Satan. Satan is so cunning and deceiving. Sometimes that harsh spirit will come from within. I recently had an experience where I made a mistake and attended an event I thought was one thing and it ended up being something different. I had dressed according to what I thought the event was going to be about. Consequently, I could not participate in the event as the other participants were participating. I remember feeling a little concern about why the presenter had changed the agenda of the event. Eventually, after I walked around and interacted with some of the participants, I left early. Satan immediately accused me of being dumb and ill prepared. He attacked my intelligence and told me it was the reason why I was the way that I was… Whatever that means! (LOL) When I got home, I checked the email that was sent to me inviting me to the event. I immediately was able to understand why I understood the event to be something it was not. The way how it was written was open to interpretation and it brought peace to my mind. Satan’s spirit is harsh toward us. He loves to attack our minds. Be on the lookout for harsh spirits in your life. If the spirit coming at you is not bearing the Fruit of the Spirit, more than likely it is Satan. Love & Blessings!
God has called us to be generous givers! Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). 2 Corinthians 9:7 tells us God loveth a cheerful giver. God has never asked us to do things that will hurt us. EVERYTHING He has asked us to do is for our GOOD! So, generosity brings us joy! This is one of the reasons why God has asked us to do it. This is found in the spirit world. We are asked to walk in the spirt to obtain the victorious, abundant life God has promised us! In 2022, for those of you who love to give on your birthday to your favorite charity, nonprofit, etc. on Facebook/Meta, we are going to give up to four $25 donations each month throughout the year! You can go to www.whereisgodnow.org under Events, It’s Your Birthday 2022! or my Facebook page to get more details. God does not need our money or our stuff; He just wants our hearts to get His work done on the earth. We are His vessels. So, JOY means Jesus, Others, and You. It is not always about money. It may be your time, talent, treasure or testimony to others. As we head into the holiday seasons, pray and ask God how you can bless others so you may be blessed. Love & Blessings!
Bless The Lord!
Where Is God!? Feeling low? A little anxious? Nervous? BLESS THE LORD! Yes, BLESS THE LORD! Give God a SACRIFICE of your PRAISE to Him! Yes, even when you do not feel like it! Use praise and worship in music, words or deeds to help yourself and others. Use scriptures such as Psalms to help you. Use your lips to tell God how you feel AND then Bless God by telling Him… You will take what the enemy meant for evil and you will turn it for GOOD. Perform a random act of kindness to a stranger or loved one… There is POWER in our Praise! This HIDDEN GEM is something Satan does not want you to know or realize. It is the ultimate spiritual warfare against the enemy. It confuses and befuddles the enemy. We see this in the story of Gideon. The army coming to fight the Israelite, the Midianites, God confused them and they started fighting and killing themselves! This is why we will bless the Lord at all times and His praise will continually be in our mouths! It crushes the enemy, it blesses our souls and spirits, and it magnifies and glorifies our God who DESERVES it. Bless and Praise the Lord EVERY DAY throughout the day. Love & Blessing!
Let Go and Let God
Where Is God!? How many times have you prayed and given God your situation and later found your hands dabbling in something you supposedly gave to God? I have countless times to my frustration! However, I learned the SECRET. When we are trying to manipulate and fix things ourselves, God takes His hands off of that situation. Why? Because we are showing Him, we do not TRUST Him and we think we know what is best for us instead of Him! So, we sometimes find ourselves like the children of Israel going around mountains over and over again we were not meant to circle. We exhaust ourselves and most of us realize God I cannot do this… I need your HELP! There are often many lessons to be learned in our situations. I have also found if we don’t learn the lessons God is trying to teach us, He will allow another situation, person, place, or thing, to help us learn the lessons we need to know… Let Go and Let God. Love & Blessings!
Stay Focused On Jesus
Where Is God!? Remember the story of Peter walking on the water with Jesus? What an AWESOME example of what we can do when we keep our focus on Jesus! In the storms of life, WE sometimes try to figure out how to get out of a storm or on the other side. We panic and sometimes we sink with anxiety, depression, heartache, hurt, and pain. Yet, Jesus has clearly asked us to keep our focus on Him! Allow Him to CALM the storm in your spirit. He will ALWAYS see us through to the other side, IF we keep our focus on Him. Love & Blessings!
Halloween invites evil in some people, places and things. What fights off evil? The name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Acts 19: 13 -17 describes how Jewish magicians and those practicing witchcraft were going about casting demons out of people. This was profitable for them. They would interject by the Jesus that Paul proclaims in their exorcisms. On this occasion, a man whom they tried to exorcise, challenged the Jewish men and said, Jesus I know, Paul I know, but who are you? (LOL!) The demon recognized these were not Holy men, but imposters trying to use Christ’s name to make a buck. This demon possessed man tore into these men rendering them naked and bleeding. We need more than a surface faith; otherwise, Satan will tear into us. And we do not want to invite evil into our lives on Halloween or any other day! Be careful about what you do and speak. Even when we accept Jesus as a Savior, we need Him as our Lord to help us fight against the evil spirits in this world. Without Him as Lord, we lead defeated Christian lives and not the abundant, victorious life God has promised us… Love & Blessings!