Asa LOVED God, Too! 

In II Chronicles 15, we see the spirit of the Lord fell on Azariah to depart a message unto Asa. We love it when we receive good news. Azariah shared with Asa that God was with him because he was with God. Isn’t that good news? So, the same God who knew Asa was with Him is the same God who knows we are with Him today! And the good news for us is He is with us, too! That is something to be excited about!

Asa was encouraged to seek God and He will find Him. We have the same entitlement, too! Oh, but here is that warning again. This seems to be a theme in the Old Testament. I am convinced it is there so we would not forget either and to ensure we take this warning seriously… “…but if ye forsake Him, He will forsake you.” (V. 2).

Versus 3 through 6 describes how God treated Israel during those times they forsook God. Again, this was repeated over and over and over again with Israel. It is also a message for us that there is always hope for us. However, we still have to endure the consequences for our actions. He sent them no peace and sent great vexations upon the countries, nations, cities, with the adversities God sent. Yet, God still loved them, but He had to chastise them. Again, out of love because God hates what sin does to us. It destroys us. That is why He has asked our allegiance to Him.

So, because Asa loved God and honored him and took God seriously, he was very prosperous and entered into God’s rest. That was God’s reward to him (v.7). Asa cleaned up the city from all idols. He even dethroned his mother because she had made an idol in a grove (v.16). Asa’s heart was described as perfect all his days (v. 17) Asa lived in abundance. Verse 17 states, “…no more war…” This is what God can do for you and me when we turn our hearts towards him. Love & Blessings!