Are You A Courageous Wonder For God?

My journey of reading the Bible has taken me to the book of Psalms. Surprisingly, I am finding much of what I am reading is my sentiments EXACTLY. Additionally, I must admit, it does make for fascinating reading compared to some of the other books in the Bible. Undoubtedly, Psalm 71 is a prayer for the destruction of the wicked. Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, we do have wicked people in the world. They are all around us… SMILE! In all seriousness, wicked, evil, and as Psalm 71 says, cruel people in the world.

This is a powerful prayer on many levels. First, this prayer is powerful because it is asking God for deliverance from these toxic, dark people. Second, it acknowledges God as our strong habitation, our rock and our fortress. Next, it talks about our hope in God and how we have trusted and relied on him, for some since our youth. Then we establish that our praise shall continually be in HIM! How powerful are these verses!

Verse 7 in the Psalm was so striking to me… It confesses that I am a wonder unto many! As Christians we should immediately relate to that. I have felt like a wonder to many. Have you? I remember my travels in Kenya. I was traveling alone on a safari. My driver and guide, James, said to me midway through our travels throughout Kenya, “You are different.” I quipped and asked him what he meant. He said to me you are peaceful and don’t use any curse words. I laughed out loud.

The Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit and said that is because you are representing me. That is our purpose on the Earth. We are God’s ambassadors. He uses us to get His work done on the Earth. As I have said before, it is a very humbling experience to know that the God of the universe can use us. It is truly a privilege. Be a wonder in the world. Be a wonder for God. Love and Blessings!