In the book on Numbers, Chapter 14: 11-45, the Lord is having an interesting conversation with Moses. After 400 plus years in bondage God sets the Israelite people free from Egypt. He shows them many signs and wonders, miracle after miracle and the people still complain. When they get to the promise land spies are sent in to check out the land. There are two reports given to Moses about the land. One is optimistic the other is pessimistic. This is the promise land that God had already promised them and they still did not believe God for it. We see in the conversation that God is having with Moses that he wonders how long the people will provoke him. God talks about doing away with them by sending a pestilence and disinheriting them and raising up another people that will be mightier than them. Moses appeals to God’s long-suffering character and his mercy forgiving nature on behalf of these murmuring people. God agrees not to do away with them totally. Instead, He promises they would not inherit the promise land, but their little ones would below 20 years of age and Caleb and Joshua, who brought back the optimistic report, and their seed. This is a lesson for us that God rewards faithfulness and murmuring and complaining will block blessings and the promises God has for us. The Lord continues his conversation and calls them an evil congregation. He also removed His covering and protection and gave them over to the enemies… Woe unto those who murmur and complain. Your murmuring and complaining will talk you out of what God has for you. Love & Blessings!